Thursday, April 9, 2020

Reflections (Thursday!)

I often say that in the world of church, things happen slowly.  In church history we think in terms of 500 years!  The Church seemed to misplace the doctrine of "justification by faith" for 500 hundred years.  Then Martin Luther came along and recaptured this central tenet of Christian faith.
Movements of God seem to unfold slowly.
This is very difficult for USAmerica.  We are fast paced.  We want things done Thursday!  At least that is how I often put it.
There was a Thursday in history that was not the culmination of a hurry up and get this over with mentality.  There was a Thursday in history that found fulfillment in the unfolding of God's plan of redemption that had been established from the foundation of the world.
It was a Thursday when Jesus walked the earth.  It was a Thursday when his followers were on edge.  It was a Thursday when fear percolated just beneath the surface.  It was a Thursday when their major religious feast was upon them.  It was a Thursday when Jesus and his disciples came together - a small group - to celebrate the Passover.  (You can study up on Passover in your spare time.)
It was on Thursday that the destination was set.  (the Cross).  One would betray their Lord.  Some would fail to grasp the nature of servant leadership as they still thought the old thoughts about who was greatest.  There was a prayer made in a garden that would alter how we pray and think for centuries.  "Yet not my will, but yours (God the Father) be done."
It was a Thursday.
Jesus resolved to rise up from his garden prayer and embrace all the evil the world could throw upon him. 
We still do church services on Thursday during Holy Week.  That is today.  We call it Holy Thursday or Maundy Thursday.  We remember Jesus demonstrating his servant nature by washing the disciples feet.  We remember the institution of a meal that we continue to practice called communion.  We remember, perhaps most importantly, the beginning of a new covenant. 
Thursday introduces us to something that changed everything.
Law yields to grace.
Obedience is redefined in light of faith.
The old sacrificial system becomes obsolete.  Jesus is our once and for all!
I invite you to consider sharing with me today - this evening at 7:00 on live stream - Thursday.  We will do Maundy Thursday on-line. 
I also invite you to push pause for a moment today.  Ask God for a grand picture.  Get your eyes off the things we are losing during this caronavirus pandemic.  Ask God to show you at least one thing that we might learn and incorporate into our faith practices.
Oh yes, and don't demand this whole thing end like a bad dream and we wake up Thursday, and it is all over.  That is not the nature of this thing.
But Jesus came and set a course. 
I pray you come to Jesus and set a course for your life that will be a beautiful unfolding of grace.
This is the day the Lord has made.  We will rejoice and be glad in it.

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