Thursday, May 29, 2008

"charge" conference

This Sunday we will have a special "charge" conference. Let me share the difference in a "charge" conference and a "church" conference. Each year we have an annual meeting where the district superintendent conducts the "business meeting" for the year. At that meeting, usually in the late fall or early winter, we receive reports and elect officers for the coming year. There will be a time to share the ministry accomplishments and the pastors' salaries are set. We convene this annual meeting as a "church" conference. This means all full members of the church are included and vote on all matters before the group.

There is an option of having a "charge" conference. The "charge" consists of the basic administrative body of the church. In our case this is the "Administrative Council" (Church Council). Often the "charge" conference is used to deal with administrative matters that may arise during the course of the year. This Sunday we will have a "charge" conference. Only the announced matters of business may be conducted. This "charge" conference will do two things. 1. We will be setting the pastoral compensation for the pastors who will be affected at Annual Conference. 2. We will elect a vision/building committee to begin the process of evaluating our church's needs.

Everyone is certainly invited to come to the called session of the "charge" conference. Members of the Administrative Council and retired pastors are permitted to vote. I hope this offers some explanation of what we are doing this Sunday. I'll have more to say about the vision team and our new pastors soon. Until then.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

What else is on people's minds?

The last post represented some of the thoughts I figure people have when they worship. The ideas come from conversations with other pastors over the last 30 years as well as various experiences from different churches I have served. They tended to have a somewhat negative mood. But what else are people thinking when they come to church? Here are some more.

- The church is so beautiful.
- This is where I was married.
- I am so proud of my child.
- That worship service inspired me.
- I feel good about having served others this week.
- That was a great breakfast we had in Sunday School.
- I think I can win the golf tournament this year.
- I am so thankful for my wife/husband.
- How can I be a great steward in light of the promotion and raise I got?
- My teacher said I did a good job.
- I am so thankful for our church's preschool. (I heard that one this week!)
- What a youth group!
- I just love to hear him play the piano!
- God really does care about me.
- Today I know my sins are forgiven.
- I think my dog went to heaven.
- I am glad to be a Christian.
- My faith gives meaning to life.
- I feel better now.
- It is good to worship the Lord.

These are some thoughts that I am sure flow through people's minds as they find themselves in worship. Surely the presence of the Lord is in this place.

Monday, May 26, 2008

What's on people's minds?

What’s on people’s minds when they come to church?

- Why won’t anybody talk to me?
- It’s too cold in here.
- My wife left me this week.
- My husband is having an affair.
- There is no more money in my savings account.
- I lost my job.
- I had to take a pay cut at work.
- My daughter is sexually active.
- The music is too loud.
- Where did they find that song?
- My son said he is homosexual.
- How can I kick this drug habit?
- The pastor doesn’t seem to care what is bothering me.
- I don’t think the Bible is true.
- This is the last chance I’m giving the church.
- My son got arrested last night.
- Why can’t we sing songs I like?
- I’m not sure I believe in Jesus.
- All the church cares about is money.
- How many people do I have to lay off tomorrow?
- I don’t think I can be saved.
- Why do I even come to church?
- I can’t hear the children sing.
- Why do we have the children singing again?
- Organ music is wonderful.
- Who likes organ music?
- I wonder what the score of the game is?
- I wonder if this lump is serious?
- I have surgery this week.
- Is there really a God?
- I hope God knows I’m here.

These are just some of the thoughts I imagine are present on any given day. So if you see me walking around like my head is swimming …

I’ll be thinking about this and come back later with some ideas from another perspective.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Reflections from Sunday Evening

The Memorial Day weekend is not a great one for church attendance. Last year our attendance on this weekend was one of the lowest of the year. I am not sure what the numbers are for this weekend but it looks like we were about 100 over last year. That's a good sign.

I have to confess it always bugs me when we have low attendance. I've confessed my thoughts and feelings about this. I realize I have a tendency to gauge my worth and value by how many folks end up in church on a weekend! I know that is not a healthy way to go about ministry. I am getting better about that.

Our services this weekend brought the presence of the Lord near. I looked out at the congregation during a service and was struck with the thought that God was in this place! That is a great feeling. It is the kind of thing that keeps me coming back for more. I'm already getting geared up for next week's services as we begin a brief series on Methodism. Next week: Do no harm.

Get some rest. Enjoy your day. Don't forget the real reason for Memorial Day. Remember those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our nation and freedom.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Prince Caspian

About a year and a half ago we did a sermon series on C.S. Lewis' "The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe" from the Chronicles of Narnia. Last week a second movie from the series opened. This week I want to take a look at some of the themes from "Prince Caspian." Before you take the kids or grandkids to see it be aware it is PG-13. There are some pretty serious battle scenes.

I will read a passage of scripture from 2 Chronicles about a battle between the army of King Jehoshaphat and a much larger army. It is amazing how these themes of faith, fear and courage find their way through scripture into daily life. I hope you will be here.

This Sunday is also Memorial Day weekend. We want to remember those who have sacrificed thier lives in service to our country and freedom. I hope we can realize that Memorial Day is not merely a day to give us a long weekend to get away from work. It truly is a significant day that we tend to forget. Let's don't forget the real meaning of Memorial Day. Let's remember.

I keep remembering selling poppies when I was a little boy. I'm not sure why but I imagine all of us were doing so in Appleton City. It supported "Decoration Day." That is what we used to call Memorial Day. I'm glad I was trying to do my part. The other part of Memorial Day was going to the graves of our family members. As a matter of fact that is what I identify most with the holiday. But this year I am paying more attention to the meaning of the day as it remembers and honors those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice for freedom and country.

I hope to see you.

Sunday, May 18, 2008


It was a real joy to have 32 young people confirm their faith in Jesus Christ at the 9:30 service today. There is nothing like baptizing, confirming and receiving people into the church. I mentioned during the sermon (how did you like that short sermon today?) that of all the services I have the privilege of participating in during the year the Confirmation service is the one that excites me most.

It is very encouraging to see us keeping our young people in the church. It is our challenge to provide continuing support and encouragement for all those who profess faith in Jesus Christ. I know we have the kind of church that will be careful to provide opportunities for new Christians to grow into a life long relationship with the Lord.

You may have noticed that Megan, Curtis and I wore our robes for the confirmation service today. Of course our church is identified for our informal style but once in a while it seems appropriate to bring out the robes and stoles and celebrate. It was really pretty neat for us.

Roy obviously did a great job with this year's confirmation class. He also did great with the logistics of helping get everyone in the right place during the service. Thanks to all who helped.

These young people make sacrifices to complete the confirmation class. They participated in the retreat. Their parents should also be deeply appreciated. Without support we cannot do effective ministry. Thanks to all.

It was a great day. I'm already thinking about next year's confirmation class!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

reflections from general conference

Let me reflect a bit more from our recent General Conference. There were some very positive ideas directing us. We approach the next four years with some guiding principles.

We have been reminded of Three Simple Rules. I will be using Bishop Rueben Job’s small book by this title for a series of sermons I will preach around our Missouri Annual Conference. This speaks of the three General Rules of the Methodist Societies from John Wesley’s day. The rules are: Do no harm; Do good; Stay in love with God.

We also were focused on Four Focus Areas. These deal with poverty, global health, new and renewed congregations, and Christian leadership.

Bishop Schnase’s Five Practices were constantly before us: Radical Hospitality, Intentional Faith Development, Risk-Taking Mission and Service, Passionate Worship and Extravagant Generosity.

I think it is significant that the quadrennial budget of $642,000,000 was built around the four focus areas. We are attempting to organize ourselves around action and measurable goals.
One reason I think this is very significant is due to the fact that it departs from our past priorities. We have been based more on “being” than “doing.” Diversity and inclusiveness have been our functional priorities. Now our bishops are leading us in a direction that is more defined. It will be interesting to see how we grow into this new way of doing things. I pray God will cause us to be very fruitful in making disciples.

What might this have to do with us in the local church? I find encouragement to put our emphasis on fruitfulness. Perhaps we may learn to allocate our budget in ways that put making disciples of Jesus Christ first and foremost. Perhaps we will evaluate our staff (especially the senior pastor!) in terms of fruitfulness. Perhaps we will evaluate our programs, our mission and our ministries in terms of fruitfulness for the kingdom of God.

Many seeds of hope have been sown. Join me in praying that God bless our efforts and growing in Christian Discipleship here at Platte Woods United Methodist Church.

new beginning

Well I have been pushed increasingly toward the 21st Century! Now I enter the world of blogging. Hopefully I will be able to share some thoughts, ideas and experiences that will help further the life of Christian Discipleship. So here goes.