Sunday, October 26, 2008

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Hospitality. Radical Hospitality is what we are calling it. It has to do with our invitational spirit. One thing we seek to do is be inviting. That means we want our atmosphere to be welcoming. When someone comes to our church we want them to be greeted by friendly, gracious, Spirit-filled people. In addition we want people to have a nice, neat facility.

But there is more. Radical Hospitality does not begin merely when someone drives into the parking lot or walks in the door. An invitational spirit extends outward into the community. The more enlivened we are by the Holy Spirit the more "contagious" we become. Contagious with the grace of God! We find ourselves naturally thinking and speaking about what God is doing in the church. We naturally speak up for Christ when we are in conversation with people outside the walls of the church. Radical Hospitality extends outward to welcome others.

Sometimes opportunities for hospitality jump right up in front of us. When the election board called and asked if we would consider being a voting place for the upcoming election we did not have to think about it. It is obviously an opportunity to exercise radical hospitality. There are 1800 registered voters involved. A large turnout (80%?) is expected. That means over 1400 people could walk through the door of our church on election day. My guess is that over half of them will be walking in for the first time. This is our opportunity to show radical hospitality to everyone who enters our church. People will be met with kindness and grace. I'll let you know how many people we need to fill "hospitality" slots sometime this week. What an opportunity.

We are already showing some great signs in radical hospitality. Last night there must have been 700 people served at the Scout chili supper. What a joy to be able to host such a great event. At the same time Memorial Hall was filled with people joining together for an Emmaus Gathering. What a joy to host such a great group. While all that was going on we also held a memorial service for one of ours. The congregation consisted primarily of people who are not members of our church. Many came down from the Narcotics Anonymous group that meets here. It was a special time: I would consider it radical hospitality.

So I say to Platte Woods UMC -- good job. You continue to show real signs of radical hospitality. There is more to come. It excites me to think of all that God seems to be up to around here. It's been a good day of reflecting on our hospitality. I hope you've had a good day too.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Yesterday my son and I went back to Baker U. where we went to college. I had not been back for about three years so we took the opportunity to make the trip. The main thing was watching Baker play football against Evangel. Well, maybe MU, KU and KSU all got beat yesterday but my team put a "whoopin" on the Crusaders!

Anyway, we were standing down in the corner of the end zone watching the game. (You can do that at small college games but don't try it at a big time place.) A Baker defensive back intercepted a pass. Here he came right our way. He got knocked out of bounds at the 1 yard line. He hit the turf and the ball bounced toward us. As a matter of fact the ball rolled right to my feet.
If that had happened when I was a kid in grade school I would have picked it up, looked around for who to throw it to and figured that would make my top ten highlights of the year! To touch the game ball would have been amazing.

In Jr. High I would have done about the same thing. I would have been a little "cooler" I'm sure, but I would have gotten excited getting to toss the game ball back into play.

In High School I'd have had it all figured out. I'd have picked up the ball but I'd have been really cool then. I'd have thrown a perfect spiral to the ball boy and taken my bows.

So what do you do when you are all grown up and find yourself looking down at the game ball? In essence I felt like a little kid. The game ball. Right there at my feet. I didn't even try to be cool. I just picked the ball up and tossed it (underhand spiral) back to the field. My throw was a little short. It bounced away from the ball girl and she went and picked it up. Bobby looked at me. It sort of hurt but I was in the game so all was well.

I have to think about how I feel when I find myself getting close to the Christian game. We are invited to not only get close to the field but also get in the game. With childlike wonder we are invited to take the ball and get it in play.

We get in the game in many ways. Everyone has something that touches their heart. Have you ever thought about helping someone learn how to read? Have you ever gone to visit those who are sad, sick, troubled or lonely? Have you ever wanted to heal the sick? Have you ever wanted to say just the right word to someone at just the right time? Have you ever wanted to encourage the discouraged, build up the downtrodden, or affirm the struggler? Have you ever wanted to build a house? Have you ever wanted to strengthen a marriage? Have you ever wanted to study the Bible? Have you ever wanted to learn to pray? Have you ever wanted to know that Jesus Christ was real, in your life and at work in the world? You can fill in your own have you ever......"
The ball just rolled to your feet. At our church is opportunity to get in the game in great ways. I continue to realize that and it makes me feel good. It's been a good day. I hope you had a good day too.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

I have an idea

I have an idea. I actually have a couple of ideas. Well the fact is I have a lot of ideas. Let me share.

We have approximately 3,000 individuals who are members or constituents of PWUMC. I have an idea that we make a personal contact with each of them! If 100 of you will take a packet with 30 names in it and make a personal contact either face-to-face, on the phone or through e-mail or note we could reach this goal in the next three months. Listen for this one around the end of the month or the first part of November. In such a high-tech world I have an idea that we do something that is very "High-Touch."

I have another idea. We could create a "culture of call" at PWUMC. My idea is to develop a way of life here that helps young people hear God calling them to ordained ministry. I want young people to discover there is a possibility for them to spend the rest of their lives serving Jesus Christ and His church. I want young people to learn they can follow a life path that is hard yet filled with wonder. They can spend time with people when they are at their very best and very worst. They can walk through life with people through the significant events in life. They can study the Bible and the Christian faith and go interpret that to people each week. And they can get paid for it! It sounds like a great idea to me.

I've got some others but that is probably enough for now.

If these ideas are from God you will soon be getting on board and who knows what God will do!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Well this was quite a day! Things were going really well. A great spirit in church. Worship was inspiring. Footprints Dance Troupe was a blessing. Then we decided to evacuate the sanctuary at the 11:00 service.

Even one as unaware of things as myself noticed the smell of smoke as we were about 10 minutes into the service. Glenn Ladd, who was ushering, came up and noted that it was pretty smoky in there and we should probably get people out of the sanctuary. It was amazing how orderly everyone was. We "took a break." Some made sure everyone in the education wing was aware. You did an amazing job today.

I thought about going out to the parking lot and preaching but that did not happen. I'll see if I can get the sermon on the web page this week for those of you who simply don't think you can exist without my preaching!

There was a really encouraging thing that transpired among those who evacuated the building. Ginger, Curtis and Brian Tolander (trustees chair) had people give them their offering checks to be placed in the safe! Now that is faithful.

I hung around and shared with the fire department my vast knowledge of fire, ballasts and wiring -- and caught myself talking about things I have absolutely no idea of -- and watched the experts do their work. They checked things out and determined there was no immediate danger. Of course we canceled activities for the rest of this day but will be able to resume things first thing in the morning. In less than an hour an electrician was present, beginning to check our lighting. Currently we ask people not to use the sanctuary or turn the lights on! The electrical folks will be there in the morning and we will get all this taken care of. (I should probably warn you that this might get a bit costly. We will not compromise the safety of our people.) Anyway, it was some day.

All in all things went pretty well. I hope you had a good day. Just remember you folks at 11:00 -- I am now 45 minutes ahead and will be making up that time in the future!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Look Up!

During perilous times Jesus once said, "Look up, for your redemption is drawing near." Not bad advice.

I know many of you are extremely anxious about the current financial crisis we are facing. Apparently these are the most challenging times since 1973-74. Those were tough times. Cindy and I were in college. We were coming off our second consecutive 10-loss season in football! Gas prices were at a level where we had to look for change in the couch to put gas in the car! We had another year of college left.

We came through. Actually we did not have any worries about stocks, savings and retirement. We were getting ready to head out into life. We were preparing for jobs and the life before us.
Today I want to encourage you to resist the urge to "look out!" because the whole market is falling apart.

I want to encourage you resist the urge to "look in" and get totally self absorbed in anxiety and worry.

I want to encourage you to "look up!" Your redemption is drawing near.

As your pastor I want you to know I understand the anxiety many are feeling. But I also want to let you know these are times to "look up" and see what God is doing.

Today you have an opportunity to discover something very important about the church, God and Jesus Christ. If the church is but another civic organization that helps stabilize society through a form of civil religion, we don't have much to lean on. If God is captive to the economic events of our nation and world we don't have much to look toward. If Jesus Christ is a nice idea about what good things a man could do we don't have much hope.

But here is the good news. Jesus Christ is the risen, living Son of God who has come to redeem us and save us.

God is real, alive, vital and engaged in the world and in our lives.

The church is the Body of Christ here on earth. We are not just another club. We are a spiritual force that is capable of standing in storms. We are a powerful place that offers refuge from disaster and equips us to go out and take the message of faith and grace to a lost and dying world.

We are a place and a people who have eternity on our side. We transcend the powers that be in this world. We overcome the forces that destroy. We are the people of the Living God.

This is a great time to get converted! This is a great time to move away from a "self-help" idea about God and discover the powerful, forgiving, redeeming God of the Universe. This is a great time to put true faith in Jesus Christ and receive forgiveness and eternal life.

This is a great time to look at what we believe is vital and important and move our relationship with Jesus Christ above self, family, career and nation! This is a time to put ourselves in the gracious hands of God and discover what it is to rely on Him and live on His amazing grace and blessings.

As your pastor I pledge to be in prayer for you! I pray for our nation and the economic issues facing all of us. I also long for you to "look up" and find a revitalized relationship with Jesus Christ that will sustain us in these times and lead us forward to be a blessing in the midst of this world.

This is a time to worship. Do all you can to be in church and to bring others along. Do this for the sole reason of getting yourself in the presence of God who is able to redeem and restore.
I'll see you.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Reflections From Sunday Evening

This has been a "graced" day. It was not some high holy day. We did not have one of those days where you can hardly find a seat. It was not some super Sunday. What I experienced today was a day of worship and fellowship, service and joy. It was the kind of day Christian have when we continually engage in the Christian life.
It was a day of great conversations. You know who you had that wonderful visit with today.
It was a day to sing a song and find it touching your heart.
It was a day to share in the baptism of Zaiden and Noah.
It was a day to hear a word from the Lord.
It was a day to serve. (Were you one of the 34 who were able to donate blood today?)
It was the kind of day that Christians have. We have them multiple times during the year. As a matter of fact we find our lives filled with these kinds of days. We get together. We share in a Sunday School class. We go to worship. Something that is prayed, or read, or sung or preached sticks in our mind and heart. We do this over and over again. Once in a while we have one of those "special" days. We have an electric day where the Holy Spirit seems to be hot wiring the congregation. But usually we have days like today. Good days. Grace filled days.
When these days continue to add up we discover that something is going on in our hearts. We are a bit more patient. We try harder to see an issue from another persons perspective. We find ourselves a little more eager to hear something from the Bible. We get more out of a sermon. We find ourselves really looking forward to seeing our friends at church. We look in our heart and realize that we love God more than we did at another time.
When you add these days up over a year, a few years or a life time you have a transformed life. I see it and feel it happening at our church. Another grace filled day contributes to the transforming power of Jesus Christ. When you look at it this way, What a Day!
Another good part of today -- this is Cindy's birthday. She and Andrea just left to go see the Lion King. Should be fun. It's a really good day. I hope you had a good day too.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

He buddy could you spare me a Trillion dollars?

I wish I had the definitive answer to the economic crisis our country is facing. I don't. But I do know something must happen. Congressman Cleaver believes the work before congress is the most significant since the declaration of war with Japan in 1941. Senator Bond reminds us that if we are not able to provide the means farmers will not be able to operate and small business' will not make payroll. Everyone on the news has pretty dire things to say about the credit freeze.
So what should we do? Let me offer one suggestion. Do all YOU can to eliminate or at least reduce debt. Isn't that what got us moving toward this mess in the first place? My economic theory says if you spend more than you have you will end up in trouble.
Now I realize that our entire economy is based on credit. We must deal with that. It does seem like I read in the Old Testament in different places that interest should not be charged (at least to fellow Israelites). You would be hard pressed to find Democratic Capitalism outlined in the pages of scripture. But I digress.
What do we do? Rather than continue to ramble on about this I have no training in let me point out something I do know something about. What if we read Matthew 6:25-34. Go ahead and read it. What if we spent some time prayerfully reflecting on the passage? What if we took it to heart? What if we believed it? What if we allowed the scriptures to guide our practice? We would not find ourselves overwhemed with worry. Worry would be replaced with trust in God.
I suppose that is the word of encouragement I would offer. You do not have to trust your 401(k). You do not have to trust the stock market. Don't trust your pension account. Thank God for all of them! But none of the above will save you. These challenges days gives us an opportunity to renew or perhaps discover trust in Jesus Christ. These could be the greatest days of faith we have ever known.
So keep praying for our elected officials. I pray God grant them wisdom and discernment. But above all trust the Lord. It makes more sense than having someone sidle up to me and say, "hey buddy could you spare me a trillion dollars!"