Sunday, November 27, 2016

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Events of the week....
The new building was inspected and we were provided a list of items to address this week in anticipation of receiving our certificate of occupancy.
Thanksgiving Day...Had our family together at Andrea's (daughter) and Billy's.  Bobby and Leslie, mom and dad, Cindy and me.  Great.
Actually defeated my son-in-law in ping pong. (once - never mind how many times he won)  Cindy and I also won a round robin couples ping pong! Yielded a tie-breaker to Billy and Andrea.  Fun.
Went to a movie and dinner with our kids and spouses.  Great way to finish a good week.
Read and seeking to apply a meaningful devotion based on I Corinthians 13:5.  The text reminds us that love...keeps no record of wrongs.  Has anyone ever discouraged you?  Has someone been critical of you?  Has anyone ever wronged you?  If they no record!  Everyone gets a clean slate.  Now trying to live into that one.
Baker won their quarterfinal football game and moves to the semi-finals of the NAIA football playoff.
Had a great weekend of church.
Cindy decorating the house for Christmas.  Tree up!
It's been a good week.  It's been a great day.  I hope you've had a good day too.

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Something I have been thinking about is seeking to be "authentic".  I'm not sure where I got the idea that this should be a point of emphasis in my life but it is.  I am not really sure what authenticity will look like in my life.  I try not to be a "phony".  I try not to be duplicitous.  (I think I know what that means).  But it seems like authenticity is a good thing to pay attention to and seek to nurture.
Here was my test for authenticity.  I had an occasion to dress up.  I don't do these black-tie things much but the other night presented one of those times.  I thought about it and decided an authentic thing to do would be get a "real" bow tie.  Anytime I wear a bow tie it is a clip on.  But in the interest of being authentic I thought get a tie and tie it.  So Cindy got me a real bow tie.
I read the directions.  I looked at a utube on tying a bow tie.  Never did figure it out.  My quest for authenticity was failing.  But not to be deterred I asked for help.  So Cindy tied the tie and I wore it the other night.  Somewhat authentic.
I will not give up.  I believe I will be able to tie a bow tie by December 6 when I dress up again to serve at the Ladies Christmas Tea.
Authentically yours,

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Reflections From Sunday Evening

This morning I shared about our church being a polling place on Tuesday.  Ballot booths were set along the wall where our prayer boards are.  I thought that was appropriate.  In keeping with the tenor of the times the results of this election are being applauded in some circles and deeply criticized in others.  Some are jubilant while others are distressed.  So what do we do?
I point you back to what we talked about last week.  Regardless of what candidate is elected, what party prevails or what platform is adopted we do not trust in those results.  We trust in God.  We are people of FAITH.
As people of faith we have a responsibility.  Regardless of whether you are happy or sad about the outcomes Christians have the responsibility of being agents of reconciliation.  We are those God expects to heal divisions.  We are uniquely positioned to be the people of God in turbulent times and watch God work through His Church.
Of all people we are the people who have hope.  Share the hope of Christ and make a difference.
On another note...
Did you see that Chiefs game today?  Who woulda thought?
On yet another note...
We draw nearer the opening of our building.  The entrance is impressive.
It's been a good day.  I hope you've had a good day too.

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Our reminder as we approach Election Day 2016 this Tuesday.  As followers of Jesus Christ we are people who must have a word of encouragement and hope on Wednesday morning.
We talked today about our right and responsibility (every right carries with it a responsibility) to participate in the democratic process by voting.  We also talked about the important element we bring to the nation.  We have FAITH.  We are people of faith.  We offer faith to the world.
Faith builds trust.  Faith and trust produce confidence.  Our divided nation could certainly use some confidence in the Living God who was, is and will be God no matter who occupies the White House or which party prevails.
Please.  Exercise your right to vote and even more importantly live into your identity as a follower of Jesus and find the word of our divided nation on Wednesday morning after the election.
It's been a good day.  I hope you've had a good day too.