Sunday, April 29, 2018

Reflections From Sunday Evening

This week I had an opportunity to spend a few hours with come pastor colleagues.  Among other things I learned that in Joplin and St. Louis churches are developing "neighbor-to-neighbor" programs and reaching out to those around them in creative ways.  I learned that in Springfield a discipleship plan is underway that re-captures Wesleyan spirituality and discipleship.  (I ordered a book!)  I learned of a church in St. Louis hosting a safety workshop that influenced several hundred people and scores of churches.  I learned of a Lee's Summit church partnering with a school in a literacy program.  I learned of a church working on a jobs program to help address the economic challenges faced by the poor.  It is amazing what you can learn from others who are experimenting and touching lives in ministry.
We seek to collaborate with one another to discern God's calls and invitations to ministry.  We reach out to touch the lives of others and rejoice in what God does in the lives of people through Jesus Christ. 
Another thought...
A few years ago when we were early on in the Healthy Church Initiative (HCI) process, our coach met with us to help us discern some goals.  Through our research we determined that in our mission field (I think it was four zip codes) there were 40,000 unchurched people.  We felt God was inviting us to reach 2% of them. 
Since then we got somewhat bogged down on one of our prescriptions (that little building thing we did) and it took us a little longer to complete and live into.  So here we are.  It is time to take a new step.  I eagerly anticipate how God will move in our church to reach the unchurched all around us. 
It's been a good day.  I hope you've had a good day too.

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Cain killed his brother Abel.  Read the story in Genesis 4.  With sin entering the picture violence was not far behind. 
I had a buddy in high school who was killed a few years after we graduated.  Every once in a while I remember the day my dad called me to tell me about my friend being shot.  It is a complex story but the end result was his early death in a violent way.
Every day I read or hear about someone in our city being shot and killed.  (At least it seems like every day.)  This happens far too often.  In our part of the city we tend to get isolated from the realities others face.  It is impossible for us to truly grasp what it feels like to be surrounded by constant violence.
I do not know what to do about all this.  Maybe I could find a genie in a bottle and use my wish to eliminate all guns and other weapons on earth.  That won't be happening.
I could join with young people, high school students, called for stricter gun control because they are sick and tired of their friends being victims of violence in school. 
I could preach against things.  But that does not bring change.  What does bring change in situations like this?  What brings change in your own struggles and fears?
I could move into many arenas in hopes of helping but frankly I only have one area where I have great confidence.  I seek God.
I have a prayer that is offered daily.  I pray for our city.  I pray for our neighborhoods.  I pray for our streets and homes.  I pray God move in our midst and give us a clear sign of His presence.  I pray for a noticeable absence of violence in our neighborhoods, streets and homes.
That sort of prayer has a way of moving us to new actions.  We want to be part of the solutions to issues and never contribute to the problems.  In my world, it begins with prayer.  We seek God.  We ask God.  God moves and calls us to follow.  I wonder where God will invite me to follow this week?  How about you?
It's been a good day.  I hope you've had a good day too.

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Reflections From Sunday Evening

I listened to the sermons today.  Insightful!
The theme was baptism.  We read about baptism.  We heard about baptism.  We remembered our baptism.
Pastor Nancy shared from Mark 1:10.  "...he saw heaven being torn open and the Spirit descending on him like a dove."  Her point was "the dove doesn't miss." 
I thought that was a great point.  When God sends his Spirit to us, He does not miss.  The dove doesn't miss.  God's Spirit does not miss. 
A second thought from her sermon was the distinction between "I have been baptized" and "I AM baptized."  Wow.  What a difference?  One speaks of a past experience the other a present reality.  We want to be present people.  I am baptized.  I am marked for discipleship. I have been claimed by God to be His own.  (And by the way, God doesn't miss!)
Pastor Jake also hit home.  In speaking about baptism "with water and the Spirit", he reminded us that "we provide the water and God provides the Spirit".  We may offer a sacrament but God provides the changed life!
I thought these were all great insights that offer me something to celebrate in my faith today. 
Thanks.  It's been a good day.   I hope you've had a good day too.

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Reflections From Sunday Evening

A day of highlights.
It was a joy to worship with our PWC community this morning.  Nancy and Jake did the preaching.  We are in great hands.
We recognized Sunbeams Pre-School this morning.  Blessing on Sue Arensberg and all the teachers and people who make our pre-school such a great success.  Today a group of them sang in church.  Many thanks to all the parents and family who shared in worship today.
I also had a birthday surprise.  Nothing like a pie pot-luck!  I believe I heard there were 37 kinds of pies there.  People seemed to enjoy it.  I even got to bring home more gooseberry pie!  It was a surprise and lots of fun.
Life is good. 
On another note...
I saw two movies this week.  First was "I Can Only Imagine."  Inspirational and worth your time.
Secondly, Cindy and I saw "Paul, Apostle of Christ".  Another movie that shares the story of faith very well.  Check it out.
It's been a great day.  I hope you've had a great day too.

Sunday, April 1, 2018

Reflections From Sunday Evening

So, the weather forecasters told us we would have a snow storm today, so to be sure we did not cause any harm, Easter services were cancelled.  Or not!  How's that for April Fool?
No, we had an amazing celebration of the resurrection of Jesus.  He is risen!  He is risen indeed!
I have to give credit to my friend Brent Mustoe.  He spends time each Sunday praying for a number of preachers.  I made the list!  He was up ridiculously early today (as was I).  When I saw his prayer message I responded with a quick note.  He came back asking why I was up so early?
My reply was that I was trying to get the story line straight for the sermon.  His reply: Here it is.  He was dead and now he's alive!
That is basic.  That is true.  This core message of the Christian faith does not need to be improved on.  Why look for new angles and obscure points in the resurrection story? 
It is amazing as it is.  Jesus was dead.  Now he is alive.  And because He lives, you too may live.
It's been a great day.  I hope you've had a great day too.