Sunday, April 15, 2018

Reflections From Sunday Evening

I listened to the sermons today.  Insightful!
The theme was baptism.  We read about baptism.  We heard about baptism.  We remembered our baptism.
Pastor Nancy shared from Mark 1:10.  "...he saw heaven being torn open and the Spirit descending on him like a dove."  Her point was "the dove doesn't miss." 
I thought that was a great point.  When God sends his Spirit to us, He does not miss.  The dove doesn't miss.  God's Spirit does not miss. 
A second thought from her sermon was the distinction between "I have been baptized" and "I AM baptized."  Wow.  What a difference?  One speaks of a past experience the other a present reality.  We want to be present people.  I am baptized.  I am marked for discipleship. I have been claimed by God to be His own.  (And by the way, God doesn't miss!)
Pastor Jake also hit home.  In speaking about baptism "with water and the Spirit", he reminded us that "we provide the water and God provides the Spirit".  We may offer a sacrament but God provides the changed life!
I thought these were all great insights that offer me something to celebrate in my faith today. 
Thanks.  It's been a good day.   I hope you've had a good day too.

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