Sunday, April 22, 2018

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Cain killed his brother Abel.  Read the story in Genesis 4.  With sin entering the picture violence was not far behind. 
I had a buddy in high school who was killed a few years after we graduated.  Every once in a while I remember the day my dad called me to tell me about my friend being shot.  It is a complex story but the end result was his early death in a violent way.
Every day I read or hear about someone in our city being shot and killed.  (At least it seems like every day.)  This happens far too often.  In our part of the city we tend to get isolated from the realities others face.  It is impossible for us to truly grasp what it feels like to be surrounded by constant violence.
I do not know what to do about all this.  Maybe I could find a genie in a bottle and use my wish to eliminate all guns and other weapons on earth.  That won't be happening.
I could join with young people, high school students, called for stricter gun control because they are sick and tired of their friends being victims of violence in school. 
I could preach against things.  But that does not bring change.  What does bring change in situations like this?  What brings change in your own struggles and fears?
I could move into many arenas in hopes of helping but frankly I only have one area where I have great confidence.  I seek God.
I have a prayer that is offered daily.  I pray for our city.  I pray for our neighborhoods.  I pray for our streets and homes.  I pray God move in our midst and give us a clear sign of His presence.  I pray for a noticeable absence of violence in our neighborhoods, streets and homes.
That sort of prayer has a way of moving us to new actions.  We want to be part of the solutions to issues and never contribute to the problems.  In my world, it begins with prayer.  We seek God.  We ask God.  God moves and calls us to follow.  I wonder where God will invite me to follow this week?  How about you?
It's been a good day.  I hope you've had a good day too.

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