Sunday, May 30, 2010

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Today has been a day of contrasts. It is important to remember all those men and women who have given their lives in service to our country. That is what Memorial Day is about. So this is a day of solemn remembrance, thanks and appreciation. Very reflective.
At the same time we gathered for worship and I had great time! Worsship is lively, vibrant and a blessing to participate in.
We left with "homework" for this week. How much time do you spend with God - with family - with work - with self? Most of us will probably realize there is a gap between current reality and our ultimate, ideal use of the gift of time. I pray God be with you as you develop "action steps" to close the gap between current reality and where you long to be in your relationship with God.
To top the day off I had the privilege of officiating a wedding this evening. The mother of the bride's grandmother and my grandmother were sisters. So we are family. Clarissa and Andrea grew up together. They were all part of a church I served. Now people are all grown up and moving to California and stuff like that. But I got to conduct the wedding ceremony. It was a great day of celebration.
So it has been a full day - Reflection on those who have given their lives so we might worship and celebrate the joys of life.
I've had a good day. I hope you've had a good day too.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Reflections From Sunday Evening

This weekend we (Cindy and I) got to take my mom and dad to Eufaula, Ok. and share in the wedding of Rachel Breon (my niece, mom and dad's granddaughter, brother John's first born!) and Zack Meyers. It was a blessing.
I visited with family and old friends (the d.s. from Ok. who performed the ceremony and I go back a looooong way.) Neat to see Rachel in her wedding gown. Some of you Platte Woods folks remember when she was born! Such is the circle of lfie.
I don't get to do these things often but when I do I always have the best time visiting with my brother John. He is a pastor's pastor serving in the Ok. Conf. We get to talk about church, theology, family and life in general. We talk about the latest books we read. (He is my source to know what I need to pick up!) He is a great brother.
Things just worked out that we ended up getting home late last night. That meant I was able to attend my favorite church this morning. That would be Platte Woods UMC! It was a great day. Worship was great as usual. The "pirate attack" certainly got the point across - these guys want your stuff for Trash and Treasure! Ginger preached great. I'm ready to look for people who need to know the Lord and share the faith and offer the invitation and, and, ...... I got it.
Life is good when you allow it to be. It's been a good day. I hope you've had a good day too.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Reflections From Sunday Evening

II Chronicles 17:6 tells about King Jehosaphat (one of the "good kings" of Judah.) The scripture says "his heart was courageous in the ways of the Lord." The NIV says "he was devoted to the ways of the Lord." But I like the NRSV - It is a great testimony to "be courageous in the ways of the Lord." That is similar to what we talk about when we speak about "risk-taking mission and service." Courageous people of faith build courageous churches. I hope you feel it taking place!
Had a good day today. Each service offered opportunity to experience God's presence. I hope we got the sense that God is vitally concerned with and involved in all aspects of our lives. -- Not only the "spiritual" things - but all things - even (especially) financial things. Simplify Your Finances!
I think we are getting the tag line of the series. - "Simplicity Brings Harmony in Complexity." We won't eliminate the "complex" matters of life but we may certainly find simplicity through right focus and priorities.
Not only were we worshiping and learning we were also blessed in a number of ways. The blood drive gave opportunity to serve. The scouts providing us lunch as an appreciation to the church for our support was a joyful time of fellowship. The youth praise band playing added to the occasion. It was a good day.
One more thing. Next weekend we will recognize our graduates. Park Hill South held commencement exercises wednesday and this evening Park Hill celebrates. Congratulations to all who are taking this step in life.
It's been a good day. I hope you've had a good day too.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Reflections From Sunday Evening

I recently read a book entitled Linchpin by Seth Godin. The basic idea is that we need not settle for being a "cog" in the wheel (whether an organization, job, or any area of life) but rather we may become indispensable to the organization. It is an interesting book. It is written for a business audience but I find applications for the life of faith.
You are part of the Body of Christ - every one of you. We are all gifted. We are all essential parts of the Body of Christ. The reality is everyone is considered indispensable to the cause of Christ by the Lord Himself. We are linchpins in the Body of Christ.
This weekend we gathered for worship in the aftermath of last weeks Faith in Action weekend. (Have you heard we provided 3800 service hours and packed 300,000 meals?) I believe we continue in the "glow" of God's presence from offering ourselves in the service of Christ and others. The Spirit was evident as we gathered this weekend. A few extra smiles -- a little bounce in the step -- more lively conversation -- a hightened sense of anticipation -- a deeper feeling of significance.
Now we have the opportunity to build on the momentum that is present. Continue to tell the story of our church reaching out to others. People are eager to hear some good news! Invite others to share in the life of grace being experienced here at Platte Woods Church. People do want to be part of something meaningful. We continue to move forward.
On another note -- Cindy and I attended the Drive Conference at North Point Community Church in Atlanta, Ga. this week. You can't emulate a megachurch but you can learn from them. It is an amazing church that started 15 years ago and now worships 20,000 in 3 locations. They are a church that was started for people that don't go to church. It's amazing what can happen when the Lord leads people to intentionally reach out to those who are not connected.
There are so many great things going on in the Church these days. It is exciting to be part of what God is doing in our time.
On still another note -- Keep Curtis and Angie (Olsen) in your prayers as they left today for England and the Wesley Heritage Tour. It is a lifetime trip and we pray their experience be great and filled with joy.
It's been a good Mother's Day. (Bobby came and cooked lunch. A little ice cream topped it off.) Blessings to Mom - and all the mom's who touch our lives and make us linchpins.
I hope you've had a great day too.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Well this has been an amazing day! As a matter of fact this Faith in Action weekend touched many lives and brought many people great joy. Nearly 3800 service hours were completed. Our outward focus hit the streets and served Christ and people in a variety of ways. Children sang - landscape work was completed - People served by working in homes of elderly and widows - ministry was done at the Hispanic church - and meals were packed for Haiti.
Were there ever meals packed! We hit 300,000! By tuesday this week hungry people will have food to eat.
The thought hit me when I was talking to one of our members who had just finished packing meals. Someday in heaven someone is going to come up to you and say you prepared a meal package for me and my family and it saved our lives. When we serve in the name of Jesus Christ we are not merely offering kindness, mercy and compassion - we are engaging in life changing ministry that saves souls and raises the trajectory of people's lives. What a blessing.
To top it off we had an amazing worship service this evening. The performing arts center at Park Hill South High School provided a place where we could all gather at once. The youth led us in praise - Friends we are in good hands and the future looks good! Our Choir blessed us. They really did sing of "takin' it to the streets." The praise team led us in worship and we joined in worship. Pastor Angie brought the message - and it was a great one! We ended with the encouragement to not settle for a service project but to move to a service lifestyle. Show you commitment to Christ and the Church by committing yourself to at least 10 hours of service this year and praying about participating on a mission trip in the next 5 years. God is moving in our midst and it is a joy to be part of God's work.
I've been blessed - can't tell you how much.
It's been a great day. I truly hope you've had a great day too.