Sunday, May 2, 2010

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Well this has been an amazing day! As a matter of fact this Faith in Action weekend touched many lives and brought many people great joy. Nearly 3800 service hours were completed. Our outward focus hit the streets and served Christ and people in a variety of ways. Children sang - landscape work was completed - People served by working in homes of elderly and widows - ministry was done at the Hispanic church - and meals were packed for Haiti.
Were there ever meals packed! We hit 300,000! By tuesday this week hungry people will have food to eat.
The thought hit me when I was talking to one of our members who had just finished packing meals. Someday in heaven someone is going to come up to you and say you prepared a meal package for me and my family and it saved our lives. When we serve in the name of Jesus Christ we are not merely offering kindness, mercy and compassion - we are engaging in life changing ministry that saves souls and raises the trajectory of people's lives. What a blessing.
To top it off we had an amazing worship service this evening. The performing arts center at Park Hill South High School provided a place where we could all gather at once. The youth led us in praise - Friends we are in good hands and the future looks good! Our Choir blessed us. They really did sing of "takin' it to the streets." The praise team led us in worship and we joined in worship. Pastor Angie brought the message - and it was a great one! We ended with the encouragement to not settle for a service project but to move to a service lifestyle. Show you commitment to Christ and the Church by committing yourself to at least 10 hours of service this year and praying about participating on a mission trip in the next 5 years. God is moving in our midst and it is a joy to be part of God's work.
I've been blessed - can't tell you how much.
It's been a great day. I truly hope you've had a great day too.

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