Sunday, April 12, 2020

Reflections (He calls you by name)

John 20:16. 
We rise today with the joyful shout, He is risen!  The angel said "why do you look for the living among the dead?  He is not here.  He is risen!"
This morning I rose before the sun.  I wanted to experience Easter in an authentic manner.  I did not get up to go preach.  (Already did that.)  I did not get up to gather with a big crowd of people.  I did not get up to dye or search for Easter eggs.  (I do plan to eat Cadbury eggs today).  There are many things related to every Easter I have experienced that I did not rise to greet today.
I rose while it was still dark.
I rose in the middle of a coronavirus pandemic.
I rose  with a nation (and world) that is frustrated, fearful, and discouraged.
I rose with the women of the Biblical story.
I took a prayer walk as the sun was rising.
I sought the risen Lord Jesus.
I discovered He was already there.
In John's account of the resurrection morning, the focus in on Mary.  She is deeply distressed.  She is in mourning.  It is impossible to capture the fullness of her emotions.  Even when the risen Lord Jesus speaks to her, she does not recognize him. 
But then.
Jesus calls her by name.
Then she knows him! 
Two things come to mind.
When I began my devotions this morning I read one that took me to the resurrection accounts in Matthew, Mark, and Luke.  I read them. 
Then I decided I wanted to read John's account as well. 
I did.
Then I turned to another devotion I have been reading this season.  The text was John's account.
Here is what I realized.  God had already made provision before I even got there.  This is something I share with you on this Easter day.  God is already where you are going.  God has already made provision for what you will need and ask for.  That was confirmed in my spirit today.  May it be so with you.
Second thing.  This is for you.  Easter is for you.  Jesus calls your name.  And when Jesus calls your name, the Spirit stirs your soul.  And you find a moment - perhaps a dramatic moment, probably and nearly imperceptible moment, where your heart is stirred and you recognize Jesus.  Recognize him today.
He is risen!  Jesus lives!  He is alive in you today!
This is the day the Lord has made.  We will rejoice and be glad in it.  He lives.

1 comment:

hummie said...

Beautiful blog! Thank you for daily insights it means a lot to me to read them! Bless you!!!