Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Reflections (gifts given)

A bishop from an earlier age, had a great way with words.  Attributed to him was an affirmation that "God has woven (fill in your quest) into the fabric of creation."
Translated: In God's good creation the gifts of grace and spirit have been woven into the very fabric of God's work. 
Further translation: The answers to our questions have been woven into the fabric of God's creation.
I have many mentors who have invested in my life.  Bob Tuttle, Jr. is my theological mentor.  Cecil Williamson is my ministry mentor.  Jimmy Buskirk is my pastoral mentor.  It was Dr. Buskirk who I recall stating that "God put the quinine in the tree before we came along and discovered it." 
God has woven into the fabric of creation the answers to our hopes and dreams.  They are present.  We have the privilege of discovery.
What are you looking for today?  Our minds race to the battle to treat, cure, and prevent Covid-19.  If what I propose is accurate, the answer has been woven into the very fabric of creation since God spoke and the worlds came into being.  We have some of the brightest people on earth working around the clock to find the cure for Covid-19.  I believe the answer is provided by God.  I pray God grant expedited discovery of the cure for this virus.
The prayer is for God to bless those researchers and scientists with divine wisdom and knowledge as they work to discover God's answer.
There may be other things on your mind today.
What do you long to discover that God's has wonderfully woven into the fabric of creation?
The challenge of job lose?
The tension of being home all the time?
The diminishing funds in your pension?
How to avoid getting sick?
How to get well!
How to walk through challenges?
How to live into God's future?
How to discover that God really is present and with me?
Whatever your question, know that God makes a way.
When God completed that initial work of creation, God said "very good".  God would have surveyed the wonder of creation, the beauty (picture those beautiful places you have visited), the awe, the colors, the scents of a glorious creation.  And I believe God wove many unseen particles into the beautiful tapestry of creation.
Today, make a discovery!  Discover some of God's perfect goodness in the midst of life.  Your life!
This is the day the Lord has made.  We will rejoice and be glad in it.

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