Friday, April 3, 2020

Reflections (One Step at a Time)

When I was younger I was a regular runner.  At this stage in life I run little but I still carry some lessons learned through the years.
For example, I discovered a technique (it was really a mindset) for running up hills.  The steeper the hill the more challenging it was to crest the top and complete the run.
There was a big hill in Raymore I used to finish with.  There was a hill in Joplin that I ran up toward the end of my run.  I actually learned how to train by running up those hills.
What I discovered that helped me was to not look at the top of the hill.  I learned to keep my eyes right in front of me.  I watched where the next step would land.  I could keep my eyes about five or ten feet out.
There were advantages to that.  I was less likely to trip over something if I had my eyes on the immediate rather than the finish.  I was less likely to step in a hole and hurt myself, if I kept my eyes on the next step rather than the last step.
There were other advantages.  If I went somewhere and found myself running in a new place where I did not know the terrain, it was always best to keep my eyes right in front of me rather than picking out a spot at the top of the hill to run toward.  In new places you could crest your hill only to find another one you did not anticipate.
That reminds me of the book "Canoeing the Mountains", when the Lewis and Clark expedition crested the first line of the Rocky Mountains, expecting to find a nice descent and path to the ocean, only to find more mountains as far as the eye could see.  The good news is, they adapted.
Back to running.
I learned to focus on one step at a time.  I began to realize that as I practiced one step at a time I would always end up on top of the hill. 
Can you see where this is heading?
We will best live through the caronovirus pandemic by taking one step at a time.  Certainly, it is important to be strategic and make plans, but don't pick out a spot at the top of the hill and focus on that.  There may be another you do not see.  Rather, take a step - a day - at a time.
Jesus teaches us a lesson that may be applied here.  Matthew 6:25-34 instructs us to not be worried ... about life, food, drink, clothes.  God reveals His providing nature in creation.  God provides for birds and grass.  Guess what, you are much dearer to the heart of God than anything else in creation.
So, here is the step to take.  "Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness."  When you do that you have the invitation and Spirit empowered ability, to trust God for all the things of life.
Jesus concludes with a good reminder.  "Do not worry about tomorrow (the top of the hill); for tomorrow will care for itself.  Each day (your next step) has enough trouble of its own.
Today put your focus on now.  You know that the future lies ahead and we are going to come through this.  By looking too far ahead you will create an unhealthy impatience.  If you convince yourself this will be over within a few days you are missing the point.  Buy by living fully each day, you will navigate the season well.
A next step - give thanks.  I am thankful for prayer time this morning.  I am thankful for the opportunity to read the Bible today.  I am thankful for being able to walk in a drizzle.  I am thankful for Cream of Wheat.  I am thankful for family and friends.  I am thankful that as I write this Cindy is doing her step by step study.  This could go on and on.  Be thankful for something as a next step today.
Another step.  Pay attention.  Be aware of reality.  Be aware of what causes you anxiety. 
Another step.  Seek God and His perfect ways.
Another step.  Seek God's righteousness.  (When you seek it, your find it, and it becomes you.)
Another step.  Do not indulge yourself with needless worry.  (Figure it out).
Another step.  Overcome the little troubles and do not create bigger ones in your imagination.
Live today as fully as God empowers you.  Live today as graciously as God enables you.  Live today as lovingly as Jesus loves you.
Step by step you gain.  Step by step you know God is with you.  Step by step you are now closer to overcoming than when you began to read this.
This is the day the Lord has made.  Let us rejoice and be glad in it.

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