Friday, April 17, 2020

Reflections (Adapt)

How are you adapting?  What adjustment(s) have you made over the last 6 weeks that you are realizing make your life better today and give hope for tomorrow?  Life is about adapting.  It is about the adjustments we make in response to change.
In college I read Alvin Toffler's book "Future Shock" .  Here is how the introduction began.
"This is a book about what happens to people when they are overwhelmed by change.  It is about the ways in which we adapt - or fail to adapt - to the future."
Future Shock was published in July of 1970.  We thought it was radical.  The rate of change anticipated seemed unimaginable.  How could any human adapt.  The adjustments that would be required seemed beyond our capability.
Nearly 50 years later we are putting into practice what merely seemed to be ideas. 
How are you adapting?
There is good news for us.  Ecclesiastes 3:11 gives insight.  "He has made everything beautiful in its time.  He has also set eternity in the hearts of men, yet they cannot fathom the work that God has done from beginning to end."
Here is a reminder.  God has made everything beautiful.
Do not fail to notice the wonder and beauty of God's creation.  Often I find myself thinking how can such a devastating virus be lose in this beautify creation?  Trees bud.  Most days the sun shines.  The sky is blue.  Life is bursting out all around us.  Frankly, there is more life arising than death destroying.  God has made everything beautiful.
God does this in time.  Time is our only measure for things.  So, we perceive beauty in time.
But God has also set eternity in the hearts of people.
Eternity is a better way of understanding "time" from God's perspective.  This may well be our best adjustment as we adapt to a new normal.
While we may not fathom what God has done (and is doing) we do have insight from the Spirit.  Paul wrote a letter to the Church in Corinth.  In it he included a quote from the prophet Isaiah (64:4) and his own application.
"What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived".
That fits the bill for me on this day.  None of us really saw this coming.
He continues:  "the things God has prepared for those who love him."
God's love continues and is forming and re-forming us.
"These are the things God has revealed to us by his Spirit."
I trust that as you reflect on how you are doing with adapting to the new experiences coming our way each day, and consider the adjustments you are making, you will recognize the Spirit of the Lord nudging and drawing you into the good changes that will serve you all your days.
Some day (sooner than later, I hope) Covid-19 Pandemic will become part of history books rather than daily life.  The post Covid world will be different. 
As followers of Christ I believe we will adapt well to a new world - after all, we are the people who anticipate a new heaven and new earth.  We are wired for this sort of change. 
You are doing better than you think. 
Make a Spirit inspired adjustment today.
This is the day the Lord has made.  We will rejoice and be glad in it.

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