Saturday, May 16, 2020

Reflections (void)

It seems to me that the coronavirus pandemic shines a spotlight on loss.  We all experience loss through life.  Every change has a dimension of loss attached.  The pandemic seems to bring a laser focus on what goes missing. 
For instance, we have experienced a loss of being with (physically) family and friends, like we have become accustomed to.
We have experienced the loss of gathering for worship. (That is fairly specific to the more religiously inclined among us).
We have experienced the loss of anticipated experiences.  (Fill that one in for yourself).
Loss empties.
Loss empties our soul.
Loss creates a void.  Many of us are recognizing the void (emptiness) in our lives.  In this "time-between-times" we have a choice to make. 
We may certainly revert back to how things were.  Pre Covid-19, the culture encouraged us to fill voids with more, more, and more.  If you experience a sense of loss get busy doing more stuff.  What we tend to discover when we follow that path is that our attempts to fill our  void does not satisfy.  As a matter of fact, our busy, productive, attempts create more emptiness than we had before. 
There is an alternative.  Rather than settle for the worlds clamoring for more and "get back to how it was", we have the privilege of turning to God.
As we live the present moment on the way to the "times" to come.  We have a "post Covid-19" in store.  We may breath a gentle prayer. 
Lord, fill me with your Spirit.
The Holy Spirit comes to those who ask.  The Holy Spirit is eager to enter into empty spaces.  The Holy Spirit fills our voids.
Void is filled with Love.
Void is filled with Joy.
Void is filled with Peace.
Void is filled with Patience. (forbearance)
Void is filled with kindness.
Void is filled with goodness.
Void is filled with faithfulness.
Void is filled with gentleness.
Void is filled with self-control.
Yes, those are the fruit of the Spirit.  Take a moment and consider how you desire your future to look.  Same old rat race to fill life with more busy stuff?  Or, filled with the Spirit?  May the Spirit do a life-filling, life fulfilling work in your life today.
This is the day the Lord has made.  We will rejoice and be glad in it.

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