Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Reflections (decide)

This year I have been reading the on-line version of My Utmost For His Highest by Oswald Chambers.  Some days he talks far above my head and spirituality!  Other days something hits me and becomes something to apply to life and faith.  Yesterday the gist of the devotion dealt with allowing God to choose the way for us.
The story was from Genesis when Abram and Lot were preparing to part company.  (Genesis 13).  Their herds had each grown to the place where their prosperity was too rich for them to remain in the same place.  Not wanting an argument among kin, Abram pointed out that the entire land was before them.  His solution to who went where was ""If you go to the left, I'll go to the right, if you go to the right, I'll go to the left."
Think about it.  Abram was the man God had chosen.  God was in the business of blessing Abram above all on the earth.  If there was ever a person who had the right to choose, it was Abram.  But he chose not to choose.  In essence he left the direction he would go in the hands of God.  God used the choice Lot made to provide the direction for Abram.  Do you follow?
Here we are.  Children of God.  If there is anyone on the planet who has divine rights it would be the heirs to the King of Kings.  It would be the children of God.  But there is an attitude in us that is much greater than exercising our rights.  We come to a place where we are eager and willing to let God decide.
Step aside, let God decide.
This calls for faith.  Rather than do what seems best for me, step aside and let God decide.
This calls for trust in the Lord.  It may seem odd, but step aside and let God decide.
This calls for commitment.  I have plans, hopes, and dreams.  But something inside me lets me know that God's plans, hopes and dreams are greater.  Step aside and let God decide.
Our call is to "walk by faith". 
We let the Spirit nudge us.
We entrust our way - our choices and decisions - to God.
I'm still working on this one.  Join me?
Step aside and let God decide.
God is with us.  God walks before us, beside us, behind, and within us.
This is the day the Lord has made.  Let us rejoice and be glad in it.

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