Saturday, May 2, 2020

Reflections (disappointment NOT)

"and hope does not disappoint." (Romans 5:4)
A fallout of Covid-19 is disappointment.  It is difficult to go through a day without being reminded of or confronted with, disappointment. 
We sense the disappointment of high school seniors who will not have some of the rites of celebrations associated with their senior year.
Awards Ceremonies
People have been disappointed because they could not celebrate their wedding day as they had dreamed and planned. 
People are disappointed because they are unable to celebrate the life of loved ones.  We want to gather in the sanctuary, picture where our loved one sat in worship, sing, pray, and commend to eternal life.
I am disappointed over a couple of things.  We have been forced to cancel the Missouri Annual Conference.  There will be a form of conferencing to do what we need to do but it will be different.  For some that is not a big deal!  Frankly, there are parts I do not think I will miss.  But Cindy and I will miss the retirement service.  I have witnessed at least 40 retirement services in Missouri Conferences.  I have heard amazing stories of people who served Christ and the Church.  I have been inspired.  We will miss that part this year. 
There is some disappointment in not being able to plan a time where we may all gather and express gratitude to the congregation of Platte Woods Church for this season of ministry.
We all have some.
But "hope does not disappoint."
John Ortberg lifts up hope.  To paraphrase his thoughts; imagine it, believe it, act on it. (I may have that last one wrong, but it sounds good to me.)
When we look around and realize their are no draconian restrictions on gathering in place, or even suggestions to limit our gatherings, and there are proven means to ward off the caronovirus, and all the other things that go with this, what will it look like?
Family gatherings once again.
A Baker Cross Country Meet.
Workouts at the YMCA.
The Church meeting together to worship, learn and serve.
Imagine what hope looks like.
Believe it.
Our hope is not in circumstances or time lines.  Our hope is in a person.  Jesus. (Hope - Jesus - does not disappoint!)
Act on it.  Express hope - confidence - not wishful thinking - and live like one who knows and loves Jesus. 
Our hope - Jesus Christ - is with us. 
Hope does not disappoint.
This is the day the Lord has made.  We will rejoice and be glad in it.

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