Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Reflections (Slog)

Seth Godin calls this a "slog".  We are slogging our way through a new time and situation.  Coronavirus poses the challenge of doing things differently.  It becomes increasingly clear that we need a healthy perspective to move in and through these times in the best way.
For instance.  The "Stay-at-home" mindset communicates to me that I must 'hunker down' and hold on.  That might be true if this was a tornado or a hurricane.  But this is not one of those "time sensitive" crisis.
If we settle for a hold on attitude we will face some real struggles.  Hold on until when?  We find ourselves in a moment in time that does not have a "use by" date stamped on the lid.  My suggestion is not to put too much into ideas like "this summer", "this fall" or the "end of the year".
Here are two things to consider.
Rather than a "hold on" attitude, why not a "contribute" mindset?  What  can I contribute to the welfare of others and the world at large?  I have a much different schedule.  What can I do for God today?   What might I do for someone else today?  What may I contribute today.  We may "slog" through the day but we will find it much lighter when we focus on contributing.
Second thought.  This has similarities to Jeremiah 29:11.  "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord,  "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
That is good news!
That was in my devotions this morning.  Now look closer.  The promise is made in the context of exile.  God's people were taken to another place.  Life looked different.  Life was different.  They were now living (read Jeremiah 27 and 28) in a different context, with different values, and different expectations.
Guess what.  So are we.
Learn from Jeremiah.  The Lord basically told His people to live life in the new (exiled) place.  Build houses and live in them.  Rejoice in your sons and daughters marrying and having children.  Pray for, seek after, and work for the peace and prosperity of this new place.
Live as God's people even though the setting is different.
Trust God.
Live for God.
Slog in, don't hunker down.
Believe the promise.
This does not mean we are too disregard social distancing and good practices that are conducive and even essential in this new world.  Embrace the best practices.  Think of others.  Honor God.  But do not settle for a hold on attitude.
This is not a "go back" to the ways things were moment.  This is a "live in" moment.  We will "go forward" to a new way - a better way - of living our faith.
Slog through.
This is the day the Lord has made.  Let us rejoice and be glad in it.

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