Monday, May 4, 2020

Reflections (Carry)

The Apostle Paul gives inspired advice in Galatians 6:2. "Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ."

Today many people are creeping out of their homes and heading back to the workplace.  All over the country, Kansas City included, a soft re-opening of the economy is taking place.  It is not like a switch is flipped and everything is back like it once was.  It is more like a dial, being slowing turned, to open a new way.
There are some people that are totally jazzed that they are able to open the door to their business, go back to work, or re-engage with the world.  There are many who are comfortable with re-opening.  They are actually excited about getting back to work.  They go with zeal.
There are others who are not so excited.  Many are convinced this is a "bad idea".  They open the doors to their business out of desperation.  They go back to their job with fear and anxiety. Many are not "ready" to venture out. 
Let's imagine there is a person who represents the total extreme of "re-opening".  Let's also image there is a person who represents the total extreme of "stay-home".  You are somewhere on a scale.  You lean one direction or the other.  You have varying degrees of certainty about which path we should take.
Own who you are!  Own your position.  Be true and as faithful as possible.
We are all different.  We are a nation that expresses a vast variety of ideas.
But here is something I ask everyone to agree on.  "Carry one another's burdens."
Here is a practical way to do this.
Identify someone who has a position different from your own.  If you are a "stay-home" longer person, find someone who is convinced we should re-open.  Reach out to them.  Tell them you are thinking of them.  Do not even bring up what position they maintain or what you are thinking.  Simply care.  Let them know you are thinking of them and praying for them.  Then do so.  No judging.  No condemnation.  No attempts to make people be right. 
Carry one another's burden.
This works both ways.  If you are a "re-open" the country person, find someone who sees things differently.  Reach out.  Tell them you are thinking of them and praying for them.  No judging.  No condemnation.  No attempts to make people be right.
"Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ."
Who knows, once we get this one put to practice there may be other areas where we may engage one another as followers of Jesus.
This is the day the Lord has made.  Let us rejoice and be glad in it.

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