Thursday, May 21, 2020

Reflections (seen before)

My disclaimer is noted under Royals, 2015 World Series.  This week they have been rebroadcasting the games the Royals won in the 2015 World Series.  I know the outcome but still find myself pulling for Salvy when he comes to bat.  I know Gordo is going to hit a ninth inning home run but want to watch again.  I know (tonight) Hosmer is going to make a mad dash from third and score a run to tie the game that will eventually culminate in a Royals championship.  I still watch. I still live through the moment.  I know the outcome.  There is still joy in the journey.
So here we go.  Day after day in coronavirus runs together.  It seems like we have been here before.  Oh, I know there are new ideas and hopes that are presented.  There are also discouraging words that come out.  But frankly, we know where this is going.  At least, people of faith know where this is going.
We have history to look back upon.  Other global crisis have come and gone.  We know the outcome. 
World War I ended.
The Spanish Flu pandemic slowed and stopped.
WWII ended.
Depressions and Recessions.
One thing after another.
We have seen this stuff before.
We have seen the story of God's good creation from beginning to the end of the Book!  Wow.  It comes out with a New Heaven and Earth.
It comes out with the River of Life flowing from the Throne of God.
It comes out with the Tree of Life producing leaves for the healing of the nations.
We have seen this before - through the eyes of faith.
So, today, live the moment.  Anticipate the celebration of life.  Rehearse joy.  Take it step by step.  Try not to miss what God is staying to you today. 
By faith, we have seen the outcome.
It is joy.
It is hope.
It is life.
This is the day the Lord has made.  Let us rejoice and be glad in it.

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