Sunday, May 10, 2020

Reflections (vision)

What do you see post Covid-19?  How do you see the world when we have navigated through this season?  How do you see the country?  What about the Church?  How do you see your life going forward.
What is your vision?
Proverbs 29:18 may sound familiar to many of you.
"Where there is no vision, the people perish." 
That is how I learned the passage.  That is King James English.  No vision, no hope.
Other translations put it like this. 
"Where there is no revelation, the people cast off restraint."
The various translations seem to speak different languages.  But really, they get the point across.
Think of it this way.  Vision is dependent upon revelation.  God gives vision.  You can day dream and get a mental picture of what you think will happen. 
Vision is God given.  God reveals Himself and that revelation becomes vision.
Actually, the word for perish has a similar meaning to being unrestrained.  Evidently, (I am not a Hebrew scholar but since most of you are not either ...)the image of this word could be a person's hair bound up and then loosed. The hair flies, unrestrained, in the wind. 
Without God we will find ourselves flailing and flying all over the place.
But with God we see His preferred future. Vision.
I see a day where people gather physically, without fear and restrictions, for worship, learning and serving.
I see children with newly discovered joy in being able to learn at school.
I see people interacting with a new respect for one another.
I see a world, and nation, with a fresh appreciation for older people.
I see a fuller embrace of all of life include the aging process and people preparing to leave this world for the next with purpose and faith.
I see more appreciation for small things.
I see joy in crowds gathering.
I see sports, arts, and other things that contribute to joy in society and individual lives.
I have vision for our future.
I see weddings, and baptisms, and celebrations of life with new vigor.
I see multitudes of new Christians in the world.
I see a more vital and vibrant Church throughout the world.
What is your vision? 
It would be good to set aside a few moments to talk with God.  Catch His vision and your vision will come into focus.
This is the day the Lord has made.  We will rejoice and be glad in it.

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