Friday, March 27, 2020


"Comfort, comfort my people, says your God." - Isaiah 40:1
This verse came to mind today.  It is a reminder that God speaks words of comfort to His people.  Do you hear that word today?
You can read the rest of the chapter.  It speaks of the people of God coming through hard times.
 It speaks of forgiveness. 
It speaks of one calling in the wilderness and preparing a highway for God.
It speaks of people being like grass but the Word of God endures forever.  (Think, God is eternally faithful and strong, regardless of our infirmities).
It speaks of good news.  Don't be afraid.
We are cared for like a flock.  We are carried close to God's heart.
It covers many aspects of God's relation to the nations and her people.
It speaks of the wonder and power of the living God.
It speaks of our God who does not grow tired or weary.
It speaks to each of us.  "Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.  They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint."
In light of the passage, how may I hear the word of comfort today?  By now you have probably already read the latest coronavirus statistics.  (Just a thought: don't read every notice you see and don't dwell on the numbers.  Be informed buy not overwhelmed.)
Back to comfort.  Here is how I heard the word of comfort this morning.
Cream of Wheat.
I ate Cream  of Wheat for breakfast.  I have not had Cream of Wheat for years.  I have gone to oatmeal.  Actually developed a taste for it.  Supposed to be healthy, you know.  But today, Cream of Wheat.
I associate Cream of Wheat with my mom and even my grandmother.  Cream of Wheat was something in childhood. 
Cream of Wheat was comfort during the Cuban Missile Crisis.
Cream of Wheat was comfort when President Kennedy was assassinated.
Ok, so that dates me pretty well. 
The point is, I have been comforted through more events and episodes of life than I can begin to count.  And so have you.
Today why not think back to what comforts you.  Get some of your "Cream of Wheat" and hear God's comforting word in the confident reminder of your past.
By the way, Isaiah 40 is even more comforting to me than Cream of Wheat.
This is the day the Lord has made.  Let us rejoice and be glad in it.

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