Sunday, March 1, 2020

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Diligence. This is the word that comes to mind. Be diligent in caring for your health. The flu, colds, corona virus...
While we cannot will ourselves to not catch cold we can take steps to minimize risk and lessen the impact. This may simply mean wash your hands.
Stay informed, take things seriously, think of others, be open to new discoveries, be diligent.
Actually, that course of action could apply to many areas of life. What about your spiritual life?
Stay informed. Read the book. The Bible informs us on how to map our path.
Be serious. Life is precious and meant to be a joy. There is also eternity to consider. Take your relationship with Christ seriously.
Think of others. As a Christian you belong to God. Look for ways to put the interests and needs of others before yourself.
Open to new discoveries. We are on a road to perfect love. There are joys unimaginable along the way. Discover grace.
It’s been a good day. I hope you’ve had a good day too.

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