Sunday, August 3, 2008

Reflections from Sunday Evening

I introduced myself at all the services this weekend. It was good to be back in church and have the opportunity to preach. It was a good day. I especially liked the sets from VBS still up. We did have a really neat Vacation Bible School this week. A special thanks to Anne Bartholow for all she did to make VBS a great event. Also many thanks to everyone who helped make this a great week for our children. One of the things that always gets my attention is when Anne invites a child to come up and pray. When she asks hands start going up all over the place! I would usually turn to someone seated near me and we would agree that we would not have been doing that when we were kids. Most of us would rather crawl under the pew! But not our kids. Young people took the mic and thanked God for everything. One little girl thanked God for giving her the "greatest day of her life!" And some people don't think church is a great thing.

Today a fourth grader came up to me between services and asked about being a pastor. I believe we are seeing an environment being created that will find young people hearing a call to ministry. Our children's ministry is really something!

So ... I'm officially back from vacation. Saw some family. Got away from the usual. Rested. Relaxed. I did get renewed. Then I got eager to get back to church. There is simply so much going on here I can't seem to get enough. It's a joy to serve Platte Woods UMC.

Next week I will be talking about "What I Did This Summer." It is really what I've been thinking about for our purpose, mission and goals. I hope to see you this coming weekend.
I'll be sharing ideas about the upcoming sermon series on change. It promises to be a joyful challenge. I hope you had a good day.

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