Sunday, August 17, 2008

Reflections From Sunday Evening

I'm writing a bit early today. I'll be leaving for Nashville in a little bit. I'll be in a training session for Board of Ordained Ministry-type people tomorrow. The workshop actually ends at noon Tuesday but I'll be coming home late tomorrow night. Actually I've been to the last three hours of workshops and so ... I'm coming home. I really like to be home.

I'm not sure what everyone thought about Curtis and me doing the sermon together today but I figure it was memorable. I liked it. Donovan Smith spoke to me between services and commented on the way we did the sermon. What struck him was how much we are really doing here! A point well taken. I am absolutely sure anyone and everyone can find a place where they will be in position to grow in faith. Looking forward to it.

Another reason I am coming home tomorrow night instead of waiting until Tuesday is so I'll be here for our anniversary. Number 36 coming up. For those of you who have been married this long or longer you probably share in the reflections of life together. For those younger folks it probably seems like an eternity. Such is one of the great joys of aging. Your appreciation for life and the many blessings keeps being enriched.

This was a good day. Worship was super. We continue to be blessed by some great people who make this church a place where anyone may experience the presence of God. Thanks. I hope you had a good day.


Mike Cole said...

I enjoyed the tag team of Breon and Olsen. I enjoy seeing and hearing different ways to worship and yesterday was a very fullfilling service. Seeing and Hearing different media, voices and thoughts is fresh. I was impressed with the actual list of all the opportunities PWC presents for people to connect and develop their faith. Wonderful day, enjoy Nashville AND HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!

Mike Cole

Steve Breon said...

Glad it was meaningful! Thanks for the affirmation.