Sunday, August 31, 2008

Reflections from Sunday Evening

It was a privilege to attend a welcome home event for Major John Drew this evening. John has spent the last year in Iraq and returned home this week. John and Kim and their children are part of our church. It has been a joy to watch many of our people reach out in support of Kim and the kids this past year. In addition to our church folks many others from school and other organizations and just kind people have gone an extra mile to be there in John's absence.

The joy in the room was apparent. For those of us who are not part of the military community it is hard to grasp the deep sense of support and community that exists for those serving our country. It was a privilege to be among those who could offer encouragement and above all be able to witness so many people do so much to help.

John has some very interesting things to say about the situation in Iraq. It is good to hear from someone who has actually been on the ground and involved with people. I got to offer a prayer as we concluded the evening. I would encourage you to join with others in praying for the Iraqi people, our troops and others serving there, for peace and above all for God's plans and purposes to be established in that part of the world.

It was a good day. For John, Kim and their family it was a GREAT day. I hope you had a good day too.

Friday, August 29, 2008


I was reading in John's gospel this morning. Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead. Maybe he "revived" him. Somehow Jesus brought Lazarus back to life after he'd been dead. I don't think this is the same thing that happens to Jesus in the resurrection and what lies ahead of us but I am getting away from the point I want to make.

After Jesus does this miracle some religious leaders get together and decide his reward should be dying. It is somewhat amazing. Perhaps a principle uncovered is "success will turn some folks against you." I'm not trying to figure all this out. What struck me this morning was what Jesus did after the miracle and following the conflict.

"Jesus therefore no longer walked about openly among the Jews, but went to a town called Ephraim in the region near the wilderness and he remained there with the disciples." (John 11:54 NRSV)

So here is God's word coming to me through this verse. I (we all) need an Ephraim. That can't mean we need a vacation. This is the end of summer. Vacations are done! We don't need a place in the mountains or something like that. Ephraim is near the wilderness. We don't merely need to get alone. He remained there with his disciples.

So here is what I think our Ephraim is. It is where we go with those we love (family, friends) to collect ourselves in the midst of ministry.

Early in the week I was around some other clergy and found the opportunity to share together was renewing. I think I went to Ephraim earlier this week!

I'll keep thinking on this one. I had never given much thought to this verse before. That's another reason I always get a new Bible to begin reading in January but that is another reflection. For today let it suffice to say I recognize that if Jesus would get with his disciples and go to Ephraim it would probably be a pretty good idea for me (and you) to follow that example.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Reflections From Sunday Evening

We had a really good weekend. Every service was well attended and people were engaged. That is a great sign! I looked out at the congregation today and recognized that people were obviously feeling the presence of the Lord. The music was really neat. You can tell when lots of people are singing alone. It was especially noticeable at 9:30 when Walter was singing "If I Had a Hammer!" It was a good day to worship and the Lord was certainly with us.

After church I took Andrea (our daughter if you have not met her) to the Royals game where a friend of hers was in town. Actually I found myself with a bunch of 23 year olds! But they were gracious. The Royals won. They haven't been doing much of that lately but today was a good one for the boys in Blue!

So put the whole day together and it simply becomes a day of blessing. There were serious moments and much laughter. There was worship and there was fun. There were good people all around. And when it comes down to it what really makes a day great are the people who surround us. So this evening Cindy and I are sitting on the couch watching the replay of the USA Gold medal game from the Olympics. It's a good day. I hope you had a good day too.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Take Care of Yourself

I spent Monday in Nashville at a training event. During that time I talked with pastors from all over the country. I heard about a young pastor (52 years old) who died of a heart attack last week. The conversation went on to refer to a number of pastor in North Texas who had all had health issues this summer. It made me think, "What are we doing to ourselves?" It is not just pastors -- it is everybody.

I think about some of the things that I share with other clergy. We have this accountability thing. We as senior pastors of churches are responsible (at least to the annual conference) for a number of things. In reality we are responsible and held accountable for the church's finances. When a church falls behind the pastor gets the call. (Thankfully we are doing pretty well even though things have fallen off this summer. I don't go to sleep and wake up worrying about money!)

We pastors are also responsible to report how many people are in church each week; how many in Bible study; how many in hands-on ministry and things like that.

This is all great. It makes pastors like most everyone else. You have responsibilities and you are held accountable in many areas of work and life.

The thing that strikes me (and other clergy as I have conversations with them) is that we are responsible for things we have no CONTROL over. It goes without saying that I cannot make anyone come to church. I can work with others to create a welcoming and encouraging environment but can't make anybody come. As a matter of fact it is that way in practically all areas of ministry. Responsible but no control.

That can be pretty stressful -- unless -- we see it as an opportunity to nurture our trust in God. That is what I'm up to these days. Learning, practicing, working, thinking, praying -- Trusting God. Would you join me?

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Reflections From Sunday Evening

I'm writing a bit early today. I'll be leaving for Nashville in a little bit. I'll be in a training session for Board of Ordained Ministry-type people tomorrow. The workshop actually ends at noon Tuesday but I'll be coming home late tomorrow night. Actually I've been to the last three hours of workshops and so ... I'm coming home. I really like to be home.

I'm not sure what everyone thought about Curtis and me doing the sermon together today but I figure it was memorable. I liked it. Donovan Smith spoke to me between services and commented on the way we did the sermon. What struck him was how much we are really doing here! A point well taken. I am absolutely sure anyone and everyone can find a place where they will be in position to grow in faith. Looking forward to it.

Another reason I am coming home tomorrow night instead of waiting until Tuesday is so I'll be here for our anniversary. Number 36 coming up. For those of you who have been married this long or longer you probably share in the reflections of life together. For those younger folks it probably seems like an eternity. Such is one of the great joys of aging. Your appreciation for life and the many blessings keeps being enriched.

This was a good day. Worship was super. We continue to be blessed by some great people who make this church a place where anyone may experience the presence of God. Thanks. I hope you had a good day.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Reflections from Sunday Evening

Disaster was averted today! Our donut supplier had an issue at their shop and was unable to deliver this morning. Thankfully Mike W. was here and went to Price Chopper to get substitute donuts. I did not notice anyone suffering from lack of sugar this morning and I believe everyone stayed fairly awake during the 8:30 service. It is good when people step up to help. I am convinced that if an even more serious issue should arise the people of PWUMC would be first to step forward to care for one another. It is good to be part of the family of God.

I'm thinking about next week's services. Curtis and I are going to team up for the sermon. It is "kickoff" weekend and we are going to kick things off for the new year. We will highlight our opportunities for Intentional Faith Development and encourage you to take steps to grow in the love and grace of God this year. By the way, if you are a college football fan who watches "Game Day" on ESPN there may be something familiar this week!

On another note, we celebrated our daughter's birthday today. The Cheesecake Factory was pretty good today. That is her favorite place so off we went. It was a pretty good day. I hope you had a good day as well.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

what's going on?

I'm thinking about Hot August Nites (HAN) this morning. It looks cloudy. By tomorrow I'll know if everything went according to plans (Walter and the group playing while we eat ice cream and have fellowship and look at some of the various ministries offered here) or we had to scramble inside because it rained! It is one of those things you can't know until it happens.

This is what life is like. Here at the church we are working diligently to develop an environment that will produce fruitful ministry. By fruitful ministry I am thinking of reaching new people with the gospel of Jesus Christ and helping many others find ways to grow in God's grace. We plan and join for worship. We offer a variety of faith development opportunities. We provide ways for people to be involved in hands-on mission. We strategize about ways to extend radical hospitality to our community. We encourage generosity.

Here is one of my personal frustrations. I can work with everyone and do the things we need to do in order to help make disciples for Jesus Christ, but I can't produce any fruit! That should really not be a surprise to any of us. After all, an apple tree produces fruit naturally, not by trying harder. So if you are ever sitting around wondering how to pray for the preacher -- here is a thought. Pray for me to be able to lead the church to develop the greatest environment for faith disciple making that is possible. Then pray I have the faith to trust God for His faithfulness in seeing the fruit produced.

This weekend I hope everyone will begin making their way back to worship. The sermon is "What I Did This Summer." It will highlight some of my fresh thoughts about purpose, mission and vision. I'm ready to go!

Next week we have our "Kickoff" weekend. The focus will be on Intentional Faith Development. Curtis and I are teaming up for the sermon. If you are familiar with "Game Day" with a college football game you will find some similarities! (I get to be Lee Corso!)

The following weekend I will begin a sermon series on change. "Seven Seasons of Change" will look at various parts of our culture and life and seek to discover how we might thrive in the midst of this rapidly changing culture.

So there is a good bit going on. I look forward to sharing the life of grace with each of you as we move toward the end of summer and beginning of a new season.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Reflections from Sunday Evening

I introduced myself at all the services this weekend. It was good to be back in church and have the opportunity to preach. It was a good day. I especially liked the sets from VBS still up. We did have a really neat Vacation Bible School this week. A special thanks to Anne Bartholow for all she did to make VBS a great event. Also many thanks to everyone who helped make this a great week for our children. One of the things that always gets my attention is when Anne invites a child to come up and pray. When she asks hands start going up all over the place! I would usually turn to someone seated near me and we would agree that we would not have been doing that when we were kids. Most of us would rather crawl under the pew! But not our kids. Young people took the mic and thanked God for everything. One little girl thanked God for giving her the "greatest day of her life!" And some people don't think church is a great thing.

Today a fourth grader came up to me between services and asked about being a pastor. I believe we are seeing an environment being created that will find young people hearing a call to ministry. Our children's ministry is really something!

So ... I'm officially back from vacation. Saw some family. Got away from the usual. Rested. Relaxed. I did get renewed. Then I got eager to get back to church. There is simply so much going on here I can't seem to get enough. It's a joy to serve Platte Woods UMC.

Next week I will be talking about "What I Did This Summer." It is really what I've been thinking about for our purpose, mission and goals. I hope to see you this coming weekend.
I'll be sharing ideas about the upcoming sermon series on change. It promises to be a joyful challenge. I hope you had a good day.