Sunday, December 29, 2019

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Mixed feelings.
An attack upon a rabbi’s home during a Hanukkah celebration. Anti- Semitism and hate expressed.
A church shooting in White Settlement, Texas. One report said the shooter acted during communion.
This happens after we gathered and celebrated the birth of Jesus.
We celebrated light.
We mourn darkness.
We experience love.
We witness hate.
Mixed feelings.
I suppose we could ban guns. Also machetes. If we could eliminate weapons of choice from people intent on evil, we would stop - or at least, limit loss of life.
What do we do in this world and these times?
I will act peacefully. I pray to be filled with forgiveness and mercy. I pray you do the same!
I pray we influence someone else. And another. And another. And another.
I expect the Savior whose birth we celebrate, to prevail.
Light shines and darkness cannot put it out.
Love wins.
Grace comes.
Jesus is born.
Keep your faith.
It’s been a good day. I hope you’ve had a good day too.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Reflections From Sunday Evening

The good news is that yesterday (December 21) was the shortest day of the year. The sun came out later and went down earlier than any other day. It was the darkest day of the year. Winter is now.
The good news is we have turned the corner. Today the sun will shine a bit longer and brighter.
Since ancient times people have recognized the “Winter Solstice”. In a world of war, poverty, and death emerged signs of hope. The days gradually lengthen with the sun rising a little earlier and staying out a little longer. There is more light and warmth. The anticipation of spring builds. New seasons of planting and harvesting are coming.
These signs in nature speak to the Gospel. We turn a corner in a world of despair and find signs of hope.
Into our darkness a light has come. A child is born. Christ has moved in among us.
Christmas is our celebration of turning the winter corner and finding wondrous hope born into our hearts.
It’s been a good day. I hope you’ve had a good day too.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Our son, Bobby, completed his Masters program at Baker University and graduation was scheduled today. The weather forced the cancellation of the ceremony. Probably add it in this spring. Did not mind not driving in the snow. Feel bad for Bobby’s friend who flew in from California...
The work was finished but the ceremony was postponed.
A missed ceremony does not negate the work. But celebration is important. It is important in living our faith.
Faith is essential.
Many things are vital, if not essential.
Baptism?  Holy Communion?  Prayer? Scripture?  All vital to a living faith.
Paul put it like this. “For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision has any value. The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love.” (Galatians 5:6)
Essential - faith.
Vital , meaningful, helpful, important - the other elements of our faith.
Some would agree with this. Some would disagree.
The celebrations and practices are signs that validate the faith.
A snow storm that keeps many from the celebration does not negate the finished work. But  it does cause us to hunger and thirst for more.
See you next week.
It’s been a good day. I hope you’ve had a good day too.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Reflections From Sunday Evening

The Wesleyan Choir presented the annual Christmas cantata today. “ Almost There”.
The story the music communicated was life giving. The musical talent in our choir is awesome. Person after person shared and what a blessing this was. Walter Bryant did a great job. (We sometimes take his amazing talent for granted.  Not this year. Thank you, Walter).
When I was growing up my home church held an annual Christmas vespers. That was the time each year our church was full. It was an important tradition.
My mom always played the piano. We lit a candle. A Christmas memory.
It is only in these last few years I have truly begun to grasp how very gifted people who share these musical talents really are. The message of the gospel comes through so clearly.
What a joy.
It’s been a good day. I hope you’ve had a good day too.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Reflections From Sunday Evening

In the Church year today starts things off. The first Sunday of Advent points us to the coming of Christ. Advent is our season of preparation for Christ to appear.
The text in Titus 2:11 says, “For the grace of God has appeared offering salvation for all people.”
Then comes the reminder that we are “waiting for the blessed hope, the appearing of the great God and Savior Jesus Christ...”
So grace has appeared and grace will appear.
During this Advent season may each of us experience the continual appearing of God’s Grace in Jesus Christ.
It’s been a good day. I hope you’ve had a good day too.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Reflections From Sunday Evening

This afternoon we went to a Mannheim Steamroller concert. They certainly have a unique style. They do not invent anything. They play keyboards, strings, recorders, and percussion. But the way they put things together is just different.
As I took in the sights and sounds the thought struck me. The Christian life does not consist of elements that are foreign to daily life. There is work and play. There are family and friends. But life has a unique arrangement.
Christ transforms the elements of life into a unique blend that captures the imagination of those looking on.
It’s been a good day. I hope you’ve had a good day too.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Jesus’ story of the Good Samaritan represents a seismic shift in how God’s people live. Their faith, religion, and relationships are constructed on the law. There are hints of grace from the beginning of the Bible but law is the foundation until Jesus awakens people to Spirit and grace. Of course, Paul will step in later to develop a life if Spirit and grace.
When the religious people crossed on the other side of the road from the needy traveler, they were living out of their understanding of faith.
Jesus shows by example that the new way of life he brings is more concerned with how we treat people than memorization and adherence to rules. They help us but are not the end of the story.
We still struggle with living by the Spirit. It is easy to slip back into law. It seems more comfortable. But Spirit it is!
Who is the neighbor to one in need? The one who recites the principals of law? No. It is the one who shows mercy. Let’s go and do likewise.
It’s been a good day. I hope you’ve had a good day too.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Reflections From Sunday Evening

I’ve been thinking about prayer. When I reflect on my prayers I realize much of what I was taught about prayer in childhood continues to help today. I feel a bit encouraged by child like faith being lived day to day.
I also realize that often my prayers seem like prayers for a project. There is nothing wrong with praying for projects, unless you reduce people to projects.
My thoughts are, rather than praying for projects I can learn to pray on and with purpose. God is purposeful.
God has purpose for creation.
God has purpose for your life.
God is resolute in His divine purposes.
With that in mind, how would praying with purpose inform your prayers?
By the way, I don’t have an answer to this. I continue to make new discoveries about the spiritual life, especially prayer.
I think I’m on to something here. Looking forward to finding out what !
It’s been a good day. I hope you’ve had a good day too.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Remember. This weekend we remembered those who have entered into life eternal during the past year. We honored spouses, parents, children and friends. I have personal memories of the majority of those whose faith we celebrate. The good news is that everyone has someone to remember.
Of even greater significance is that Jesus remembers us. One crucified with Jesus asked to be remembered. Jesus assured him he would be with him in paradise, even that day. He remembers.
In life and in death God always remembers us. Know that the Lord remembers you today - and every day.
It’s been a good day. I hope you’ve had.a good day too.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Chiefs win!  Yeah! Great!
Mahomes injured. 😭
It is another reminder that in sports things are never as great as they seem in good times...nor as bad as they seem when things go wrong.
For long time Chiefs fans, we remember Super Bowl I. Loss.
We also remember Super Bowl IV. Win!
Point to consider. In 1969 quarterback Len Dawson was injured in the second game of the year. Back-up Mike Livingston led the team through a six game stretch. End result. Dawson came back and the Chiefs won the Super Bowl.
We have been waiting patiently for 50 years to return to the championship game.
Could history repeat? ( That’s another thing about sports. A strange mixture of eternal optimism and complete skepticism.)
But shift your thoughts. For us, sports are diversion. For Christians the real life is the spiritual life. Good times and bad times do not necessarily matter. With Jesus all times are graced times.
It’s been a good day. I hope you’ve had a good day too.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Reflections From Sunday Evening

I have reflected on scripture that says “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Matthew 6:19-21)
Have you ever wondered how to store up treasure in heaven?
Here is a thought. When we give of our time, energy, or money, we make a heavenly deposit. Then I envision something interesting taking place. We make an earthly deposit and then there comes a heavenly blessing. Heavenly blessings are not necessarily material or financial. Heavenly blessings are things we do not expect or anticipate. Heavenly blessings provide what we truly and deeply need. Perhaps that is why we often feel peace when we would be expected to feel anxious. God’s blessings can prove pretty amazing.
We offer our time, energy, and money - our whole lives- not in order to get something but simply because we love the Lord.
Your heavenly account is vastly greater than you realize. Heavenly blessing are coming in ways we may not recognize.
So, maybe we could recognize God’s blessing more fully.
Just a thought.
It’s been a good day. I hope you’ve had a good day too.

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Autumn. The Fall season.
The leaves change colors.
Football season is in high gear.
Basketball teams are preparing for their season. The same for hockey.
Baseball playoffs are going strong.
People are enjoying October vacations and weekend get aways.
New TV shows premiere.
Holiday decorations appear in stores.
Sports, entertainment, and culture dominate life in the Fall. ( This may be true in any season, but we are thinking Fall now.)
I look at things that seem most prevalent in my life and take note that I did not immediately list “faith” matters.
That is not because I do not value or pay attention to my faith. I do.
I prayed this morning. Just like you.
I read the scriptures this morning. Just like you.
I went to worship this morning. Just like you. ( I acknowledge that is an expectation but I was there and engaged.)
So, our faith is vital to us. We would not be the people we are becoming apart from faith in Christ.
It is a wondrous time of year to fully enjoy God’s gift of life.
Seek the Lord and live your faith by the Holy Spirit. Faith provides meaning to all of life.
It’s been a good day. I hope you’ve had a good day too.

Monday, September 30, 2019

Further Reflections

When I prepare to communicate the faith I pray to be able to first, communicate God's heart to those who will hear.  Secondly, I seek to communicate with clarity, accuracy, and truth. 
In my recent blog I failed on the accuracy principle.  I quoted a James Taylor song and INACCURATELY attributed it to "You've Got a Friend".  The real song is "Fire and Rain."
It was an oops in the message I was sharing.  I got the main point across - Truth.  I felt it was okay with the Clarity idea.  But it was inaccurate.  So there is my correction.  The rest stands.  Now I feel better.
It's been a good day.  I hope you've had a good day too.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Reflections From Sunday Evening

James Taylor said (actually sung) this.
“I’ve seen sunny days that I thought would never end.
I’ve seen lonely times when I could not find a friend.”
Of course the song is “You’ve Got A Friend’.
I have a unique vantage point of a congregation of Jesus followers. I see you in sunny days. I hear the joy of your faith expressions. I witness the pleasure you find in service. I see your sunny days.
I also see you in lonely times. I see your heart aches. I walk with you through the shadow of death.
The thing that brings wonder is seeing you live this life with others.
I hear laughter in the midst of service.
I see acts that are life giving in times of loss.
It is a joy to see us living our faith in groups. We are not alone. The risen Lord comes in many ways. He comes through others who rejoice with us  and and mourn with us.
It’s been a good day. I hope you’ve had a good day too.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Reflections From Sunday Evening

It amazes me when working on communicating the Gospel, ideas emerge. This weekend the message on Go - Go Shine the light of Christ in witness - found three ideas to think about.
Uniquely positioned. God has uniquely positioned you to minister fruitfully in your sphere of influence.
Authentic. Since you have faith in Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit fills your life, your witness is authentic. You need not use impeccable words or perform perfectly. The Lord uses your authentic witness.
Personal. We do not wait for others to shine. We shine. It’s personal.
Now to take these ideas and put them to practice this week. Join me?

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Saturday afternoon Cindy felt very uncharacteristically bad. She got overheated working outside. We went to have her checked and ended up spending the night in the hospital. She never felt there was anything really wrong but appreciated the tests that confirmed she is in great health.
We all appreciate good news. We appreciate good health and the host of blessings we enjoy.
Cindy’s overnight in the hospital provided me many opportunities for gratitude.
I am certainly grateful for Cindy’s good report.
I am also grateful for all the professionals who cared for her.
Doctors were amazing as they listened carefully, made good decisions and gave us great confidence.
The nurses, technicians, and other personnel were true blessings.
From my sideline vantage point I could see the grace of God working through person after person.
It serves as a reminder that God desires to use all of us to extend His love, grace, and care to others.
I am eager to see how God might use me this week. I am also eager to see God use you.
The downside of things was that I missed church today as we embarked on a next step in worship.
We watched online and felt the Spirit even in a hospital room.
Oh yes, got home to have lunch with the kids and watch the Chiefs.
It’s been a good day.
I hope you’ve had a good day too.

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Reflections From Sunday Evening

The Spirit was good and the joy evident as we gathered to serve by packing meals this morning. Oh, I talked with some who had been out of town, were new to the church, or simply did not realize we did not worship today but devoted the weekend to service. I had some great conversations.
As a result of several hundred people serving, tens of thousands of meals will be provided for hungry families. Housing will be provided through Habitat for Humanity.  Students will arrive at school and see an example of God’s beauty in creation. ( A little landscaping makes a great difference.). An Hispanic congregation got blessed and more joy will be felt. Hungry brothers and sisters received food at Lazarus’ Table. Of course Hillcrest Ministries gave us an opportunity to serve people.
It was a truly joyful and meaningful weekend as we served in the name of Jesus Christ.
It’ been a good day. I hope you’ve had a good day too.

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Gift + Work = Fruitful service.
On this Labor Day weekend it seems logical to consider the place of work in the Christian life.
In the very beginning Adam and Eve were not placed in the Garden of Eden on a permanent vacation. The call was to work the garden. God gave the gift. God allowed the man and woman to labor and the fruit of the garden was produced. In the original context work was a good gift of God’s.
God continues to gift people. We are given spiritual gifts. God gifts us with talents and abilities. God even gives us gifts of interests.
When we do not waste God’s gifts but put them to work, fruitful service is the result.
It seems like a nice reminder as we reflect on the place of labor in our world. Maybe we will rediscover the gift of work God gives and find joy in our labors.
It’s been a good day. I hope you’ve had a good day too.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Reflections From Sunday Evening

I keep thinking about the man in the story who spent 43 years in a 6x9 foot cell. Even more striking is the sense of being overwhelmed when experiencing freedom. The vastness of the sky above, the ocean before, and crowds of people seem too much. There were times the certainty of confinement seemed preferable to the vastness of freedom.
For many people the vastness of God’s Grace can seem overwhelming. How do we function in the Spirit? Some would rather settle into a rules based, law governed, faith. But that is so foreign to the life Jesus invites us to live.
It may seem overwhelming but with the Lords guidance we find fullness and abundance. Follow the path.
It’s been a good day. I hope you’ve had a good day too.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Today we talked about a Pathway of Discipleship. We are moving from an emphasis on programs to thinking more along the lines of pathway. Programs are good and important in the life of the church, but we can get over saturated with them. When that happens programs can actually become regressive. Enter pathway - steps along new life in Christ.
We also shared a new worship schedule that will begin September 15. Beginning that weekend we will have services at 5:00 Saturday, 9:30 Contemporary worship in the Worship Center, and 11:00 Traditional worship in the sanctuary.
I hope you find the same excitement about what God is doing as we step into the fall.
It’s been a good day. I hope you’ve had a good day too.

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Backpack blessing. We invited children to come forward during prayer time this weekend to pray for them as they get ready for a new school year. The kids seemed fine with standing up in front of everyone. Even a couple of them took a bow!
We prayed for a great school year. We prayed for the contents of their backpacks to be used for learning. It was a true blessing.
Another part was asking the congregation to show them some love. We clapped and cheered for the kids. We even agreed to pray for them - and all those in school - through the school year.
While I was doing that it hit me how much of an encouragement this could be. We invited the kids to look at the people in the congregation. They waved. They clapped. They cheered.
Then I asked them to remember they were being prayed for every day. When they did not feel like going to school, or they felt bad for whatever reason, I wanted them to remember their church was cheering for them.
That’s what we do. We cheer for each other. Young, old, middle, we are cheering for one another.
So, pray for your church family. Cheer them on.and remember, this week, when you feel discouraged or you doubt, fear, or question, you are being cheered on.
It’s been a good day. I hope you’ve had a good day too.

Sunday, August 4, 2019

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Violence. We witness a great evil in our country when one angry prison is capable of atrocities that hurt us all. There seems to be an evolution of evil.
We are all acquainted with mischief. Just this weekend someone scrubbed our church website, got contacts information of many of our teachers and group leaders and sent an e-mail. Trust me, I did
not ask anyone for a favor much less some gaming gift card. Delete.
No one is injured by this mischief, just irritated.
A step beyond that is malicious mischief. That seeks to do harm.
Then there is something that goes beyond malicious mischief.
In the hymn, A Mighty Fortress is Our God, Martin Luther identified the source of evil.
“For still our ancient foe doth seek to work us woe,
His craft and power are great, and armed with cruel hate.
On earth is not his equal.
Cruel hate.
This is what we see. Angry, misguided individuals act on cruel hate.
Our police and first responders step in and limit the carnage. They were able to save countless lives in Dayton, Ohio this weekend.
Politicians have a responsibility. Some say “ arm everyone” while others call for gun control ranging
from “responsible” to “ total”.
If a young man had not taken a gun to First Friday’s in Kansas City, gotten into some sort of argument or altercation, then fired his gun in the air, a 25 year old woman would not have lost her life. Families are devastated.
People want to fix our problems. Let us encourage all in their efforts.
But what about us? What about we who follow Jesus? How do we combat “cruel evil”?
We turn again to Martin Luther.
“ Did we in our own strength confide,
Our striving would be losing;
Were not the right man on our side,
The Man of God’s own choosing;
Doesn’t ask who that may be?
Christ Jesus, it is He;
Lord Sabaoth His Name,
From age to age the same,
And he must win the battle,”

Jesus Christ defeats cruel evil.
Christ lives in us and empowers us to defeat cruel evil.
Christ is our hope - the hope of the world. We are called to make Hope the new reality.
By God’s Grace - it’s been a good day.
I hope you’ve had a good day too.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Finished our stay home vacation. Royals won in a game with plenty of action.
Earlier this month I was able to teach a theology class to our Course of Study students. That is joyful!
I witnessed a great Vacation Bible School. (I even got a shirt) That was joyful.
I got to do some work around the house. ( Not so fun)
I did some reading. A couple of books about WW II and President Truman. Those were deeply challenging and troubling times in America but it is inspiring to be reminded how the USA prevailed.
Another joy was being in worship at PWC through the month. It is greatly encouraging to watch younger clergy step up and lead/serve.
The summer months give me renewed hope as we face challenging times in nation and church. But guess what, we have been here before.
We have faith.
We have gifts.
We have leaders.
We have servants.
We have truth.
We have hope.
Above all, we have Jesus.
It’s been a good day. I hope you’ve had a good day too.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Reflections From Sunday Evening

50 years ago Neil Armstrong became the first man to walk on the moon. “One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.”  Buzz Aldren soon followed and was the first person to have communion on the moon.   NASA had spent untold hours of planning and preparing for an event that would change the world.
50 years ago some people planned a music festival that exceeded expectations. We still think of Woodstock as a culturally defining experience.
This summer many people have been reflecting on 1969. That Apollo 11 thing was a big deal!
I wonder what people in 2069 will be reflecting on? People are making plans today that will result in experiences, events, and discoveries that will change the world.
There are other ways to put these things in perspective. Who is being prayed for today that will make the joyful discovery of Christ and have their life changed?
How will the Church of Jesus Christ experience change that will be celebrated 50 years from now?
What changes in your life will God bring about today that will affect someone 50 years from now?
Ready? Today recognize where The Lord is working in you.
It’s been a good day. I hope you’ve had a good day too.

Sunday, July 7, 2019

Reflections From Sunday Evening

It’s good to take a breath. Getting ready to teach a class in course of study next week. This week a little down time to re-charge. Also a chance to see how other churches are doing things. We know the popular narrative is that people simply do not attend church these days. Experience bears this out.
Today Cindy and I met our kids and went to Life Church in Overland Park.
On the way I observed several people out walking or biking. (I actually saw several in my own neighborhood when I went out early.). There was a ball field across the street from the church that was crowded with people. I saw a few folks mowing their lawn. Sunday morning.
But I also experienced a large church filled with people for multiple services.
This happens all over the world. If you would have awakened in Cuba this morning and headed for church, you better be early or there would not be a seat. That story would be replicated in many African nations. All over South and Central America people throng to hear the Word of God proclaimed. In a few years China will have more Christians than any nation on earth. And their government is not exactly supportive.
American church attendance may be at a low ebb but following Jesus is at an all time high.
Be encouraged.
Be prayerful.
Be faithful.
Be in the middle of what God is doing.
It’s been a good day. I hope you’ve had a good day too.

Sunday, June 30, 2019

Reflections From Sunday Evening

I have aspired to be an encourager of others in the spiritual life. Sometimes I have been able to see good fruit of attempts at encouragement. Far too often I have left people no better than where I met them.  I hope to do better.
Well, today I witnessed people serving Jesus and the church that I have encouraged.
Britton Fields is stepping into his call to preach with humility, confidence, and competence. It was a joy to be part of the PWUMC congregation and be blessed through Britton’s message.
I was further blessed at our Patriotic Service today. Some weeks ago I “encouraged” Mike Casey to be our speaker today. Frankly, it did not demand much arm twisting. I sensed the Holy Spirit leading and Mike embraced the opportunity.
Mike has been on our church staff for nearly 14 years. He makes sure our facility is in great shape. I cannot begin to list all Mike contributes to our ministry.
Mike is a veteran. He has served his nation. Today he shared his story as a person of faith.
Today I was greatly encouraged by some of those I hoped to encourage. Their encouragement of me far exceeds anything I have offered.
Let me encourage you to look for someone to encourage this week.
It’s been a good day. I hope you’ve had a good day too.

Sunday, June 23, 2019

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Do you remember learning something that is a basic reality?
When I was a little boy I was watching the Kansas City A’s play the Detroit Tigers. In those days few games were televised. It was much different from today. The A’s were the visiting team. It came to the top of the ninth inning. I was glued to the TV hoping for them to score enough to go ahead. But as usual, the A’s came up short. I realized they could not win the game but was confused when Detroit did not bat in the ninth. Don’t they play nine innings? Won’t they feel cheated if they don’t get their last at bat? Well, no. That is the rule of the game. If the home team leads after the visiting team bats in the ninth inning. Game over. I learned it. I remember it. It has not changed.
What is a basic truth about life (specifically the Christian life) you have learned?
How about...
God so loved the world.
Love God with all your heart.
Love your neighbor as yourself.
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Seek first the kingdom of God.
Give and it will be given unto you.
Show faith by deeds.
You could spend the next hours adding to the list.
These are all true. They were true before we learned them but once we discovered them we had something in our experience that will never leave us.
How are you doing practicing the true things you know?
It’s been a good day. I hope you’ve had a good day too.

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Reflections From Sunday Evening

A shout out to pastor Jacob Schneider and Keera. Jake made a great witness through preaching this weekend. He and Keera make their move to Ozark, Mo. this week where he will be their lead pastor. I will miss a Jake, as will many in our church, but those in his new setting will be blessed.
There was one particular remark Jake made this weekend that truly gets my attention. Among the many experiences enjoyed what stands out are the LIVES CHANGED.
This is why we do what we do. This is why people like Jake dedicate themselves to serving Christ and the Church. Changing lives.
When a person takes the step to follow Jesus, lives are changed.
When a person continues walking in Christian Discipleship, lives are changed.
When a person pursues a deepening, expanding, and growing relationship with Jesus, lives are changed.
Jake celebrates the lives changed over these 5 years. We can anticipate many more people experiencing new life through Jesus Christ in Jake’s ministry for years to come.
Why, even your life may be changed.
It’s been a good day. I hope you’ve had a good day too.

Sunday, June 2, 2019

Reflections From Sunday Evening

It’s a good feeling to be picked. Tomorrow is the Major League Baseball draft. Many amateur baseball players are going to be picked by an organization and begin pursuing a dream.
The NFL (football) draft is much more popular but the end result is about the same. Some young people are picked and the dream continues.
This is how professional sports organizations fill out their rosters.
There is another way we are picked.  John 15:16 finds Jesus telling his disciples “ you did not choose me, but I chose you...”
You have been picked.
In this story no one has to wait nervously hoping they will get picked.
No one gets rejected.
No one gets forgotten.
Jesus picks all of us; you, me, all of us, to be his followers.
In sports some don’t like the team that picks them.
Some decide not to sign up at this time.
Some say no and go do something else.
But many say yes, and the dream moves forward.
You’ve been picked to know, love, and follow Jesus.
What will you do?
It’s been a good day. I hope you’ve had a good day too.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Reflections From Sunday Evening

The big word today- “prosopagnosia”.
It is sometimes called “face blindness”. A person with this condition does not recognize faces. They use other techniques to recognize people. They may rely on a persons posture. It may be their voice. It could be how they walk. Rather than recognizing faces they look for other characteristics.
I wonder if there might be a sense of spiritual prosopagnosia?
Mary Magdalene did not recognize the risen Lord until he called her by name.
The two on the Road to Emmaus did not recognize the risen Lord until he broke bread and gave it to them.
The disciples in the boat did not recognize the risen Lord until the beloved disciple remembered and recognized.
The same disciples did not recognize the risen Lord until they experienced the miraculous catch of fish.
The same disciples did not recognize the risen Lord until they were invited to come and share breakfast.
At this point no one wonder WHO he was, they KNEW it was the Lord.
You may not see Jesus’ face but you may recognize the Lord. What are the characteristics of the Lord that you recognize? You need not wonder who. You know the one who knows you and loves you.
It’s been a good day. I hope you’ve had a good day too.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Renewal. An interesting scientific study relates to cell renewal. The cells our bodies consist of are constantly being renewed. Hair falls out and is replaced. (Well, until a certain age for some special people!)
You mat cut your finger and in a few days it heals and generally there is no sign of injury. Scars are another thing for another day.
You may have blood work done or perhaps donate blood, but you do not gradually run out. Renewal.
Our spirits are being renewed as well. We are being renewed daily - or even moment by moment. (2 Corinthians 4:16).
The Holy Spirit is constantly renewing.
Love is being renewed.
Grace is being renewed.
Mercy is being renewed.
Forgiveness is being renewed.
We need never grow stagnant in the spiritual life. God is constantly doing His work. What are we doing to recognize this renewing work of God in our lives?
It’s been a good day. I hope you’ve had a good day too.

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Reflections From Sunday Evening

This weekend Cindy and I went and saw Aretha Franklin’s documentary concert, “Amazing Grace”.
It consisted of footage of Aretha and the Southern California Gospel Choir during two nights in a Baptist church in 1972. For a number of reasons the footage was shot but not completed until recently. It features Aretha Franklin singing Gospel, which is where she started. It is amazing how many of our most popular performers started in church. ( Ever hear of Elvis?)
She put her heart and soul into the music. The church where the taping took place was energized.
It caught my attention when I saw young Mick Jagger engaged in the music from the audience.
Music is the doorway to faith for many.
Music is the return route to faith for many.
Music is the constant encouragement for many.
Music transcends practically everything.
Music fuels the soul.
On another note...Happy Mother’s Day to all of you.
It’s been a good day. I hope you’ve had a good day too.

Sunday, May 5, 2019

Reflections From Sunday Evening

A couple of thoughts from the past week.
I’ve been reading a biography of E. Stanley Jones. He was a Methodist missionary and evangelist. He also used his global reputation and acted as a statesman. He worked for Indian independence as well as working to avert WWII.
In one place he reflected, “I have no enemies because I have no enmity.”
I consider this worth emulating. To hold no enmity in our hearts against anyone is a true objective of the Christian life. No enmity, no enemies.
A second thought that relates to this focuses on the Fruit of the Spirit. If we desire no enmity we need a power greater than ourselves.  The Holy Spirit comes.  The Holy Spirit does much in and through our lives but drawing us to Jesus is vital. The Spirit then grows us in our relationship with Jesus. The best measure of spiritual growth is seen in fruitfulness. This is recognized by the Fruit of the Spirit.
 Love is THE fruit of the Spirit. Then comes joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.
The more time spent with Jesus - the closer you stay to Jesus - the more fruit of the Spirit.
I pray my life be defined by the fruit of the Spirit.
Fruit of the Spirit developing in increasing measure means no enmity. No enmity no enemies. It seems like a life worthy of pursuit.
It’s been a good day. I hope you’ve had a good day too.

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Well this has not been the weekend I would prefer. Early in the week it started with that little cough. Now three days of meds and antiviral I am hopefully on the road to recovery.
It was great to watch church live stream today. Well done Britton and team. I especially appreciate Sue Arensberg for sharing our Sunbeams and Parents Day Out programs and of course the parents who got the kiddos out to sing.
As I laid around the past couple of days I could not miss the latest Tyreek Hill news. Our world has failed so many people. We must work to create healthy environments of respect for women and care for children. This is a sad situation.
Personally I believe Tyreek and all who fail need forgiveness and second chances. However there are consequences for our actions. Football days are done.
The other news I followed was the report from the United Methodist Judicial Council. Their actions followed what was done at the General Conference. Some thought the entire Tradition Plan might be ruled unconstitutional but that was not the case. They viewed the work as dealing with a series of petitions rather than a “plan”.
I’ll be happy to visit with people about these issues as we move forward. For now the local church is still the same. We continue to work with both liberties and restrictions.
That’s what I’ve been doing. The coming week holds expectations for healing and good things. These are my wishes for you.
In spite of things, it’s been a good day. I hope you’ve had a good day too.

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Why look for the living among the dead. He is not here. He is risen!
This announcement declares that everything has changed. The world is not what it was since Jesus rose from the dead. This event has cosmic repercussions. The world is not doomed to destruction but destined for renewal.
The announcement declares redemption for the whole creation.
The resurrection has life redemptive meaning for people. But with people the announcement turns into an invitation.
Come see.
Frankly, with Easter we have only just begun.
Now we move out of our roots and ruts to know and follow Jesus.
I have seen the Lord!  Come see Jesus.
We recognized him when he broke the bread. Come eat with Jesus.
Receive the Spirit and join Jesus in a life of forgiveness.
Like I said, we have only just begun.
It’s been a good day. I hope you’ve had a good day too.

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Pastor Nancy shared her new word today. Of course she told me  just before I started to preach and couldn’t get the word out of my head.
Coddiwomple.  Spell check does not recognize it but dictionaries do.
Coddiwomple: to travel in a purposeful manner towards a vague destination. It could mean toward an uncertain, or unknown destination.
It is a great word to begin Holy Week. It captures how many of us approach uncertain tomorrows or even the life of faith.
Jesus began his coddiwomple that led to the cross. With Jesus the destination was not vague but had our salvation in view. There could have been surprising twists in the journey, but the ultimate result was clear. The coddiwomple would end at the cross...but then.
We are invited onto our own coddiwomple this week.  There may be some seemingly vague destinations.  What should we make of towel and basin with its call to serve?
What about a Holy Thursday meal with friends? What about our personal view of the cross?
We may not be exactly sure where our faith will take us, but we travel with purpose.
It’s been a good day. I hope you’ve had a good day too.

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Today I mentioned Skal Labissiere, a professional basketball player for the Portland Trailblazers. It makes me think.
There are 30 teams in the NBA. They have a roster maximum of 15 players. So there are 450 players in the league.
Of the 450 players I would say there are 8 superstars. Actually, there is Lebron and then the rest, but let’s say 8 superstars that are simply a cut above the rest.
Then there are 24 All Stars. The All Star game has 2 teams with 12 players each. 24 All Stars.
These would be included among the 150 starters for the teams in the league.
That leaves 300 players who range from contributing subs, role players, and those who mainly provide people to practice against and play very little. That would include Skal Labissiere and many others.
Here’s the thing about all these role players. They are elite athletes.  Elite players among their peers.
Here’s the thing. As followers of Jesus Christ we really do not have super star or all star Christians. But we are elite. You are an elite person loved by God. The forgiveness and grace of God’s sets you apart. As a child of God humbly accept elite status.
It’s been a good day. I hope you’ve had a good day too.

Sunday, March 31, 2019

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Well that was a mess. I just reached for something and knocked over a glass of water. It was not full. It really wasn’t full after I knocked it over. It was just a little water. But a little water affected a Bible, a book, a phone, a table, a chair, a picture, a coaster, and the floor.
Water wiped up. Everything works. The book may look a little funny but still usable. It was a little mess that touched more than you would think.
It made me think. We can make a mess with things we say. Words affect people in ways we would not anticipate.
Our denominational struggles over human sexuality is a mess - that affects many people in ways we cannot fully grasp.
Churches become a mess over many things and the Christian witness is stained.
You can think of messes you have created, contributed to or been affected by. Messes.
So we clean up. Cindy helped me clean up. After all it was her stuff that was affected. (She has actually cleaned up lots of messes for me, but that is another story.)
I won’t liken knocking over a glass of water to the sin nature and the sins that affect all of us,...but sin is a mess and creates a mess.
It requires a thorough clean up to put things back in order.
We clean up through repentance and faith.
We clean up by making amends.
We clean up through reconciliation.
But our efforts fall short. It is only through Jesus Christ we know the true and full answer for our mess.
It’s been a good day. I hope you’ve had a good day too.

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Spring. March. Sports.
It has been a long winter but hopefully the corner is turned and warmer days are ahead.
March is Madness for college basketball fans. The big schools are playing in front of thousands and millions more on tv. They play over three weekends to determine a champion.  Smaller schools are also competing. The NAIA tournament is played annually in Kansas City. Hundreds, or maybe a few thousand enjoy a very festive tournament that lasts a week.
The sports scene also moves to Opening Day of baseball.
It is a great time of year.
But even in great times there are challenges. The flooding in North Missouri is affecting our neighbors. We will be stepping up to help when needs are identified.
There are many challenges in our world. Sometimes they seem unending with no solution in sight.
But then we remember the rythem of things. The cold of winter yields to spring.
The competition develops character and memories for a lifetime. Lessons are learned that lead to succes in life.
Opening a Day offers a new beginning with hopeful surprises awaiting.
And...the difficult challenges of our lives and world move into a future where God is already at work. We move into the warmth of His grace. We move into the surprising turns that make all things new. God is with us. God is present tense. God will lead us into His future. After all, Jesus is the I Am - present tense - resurrection and life. Walk in faith. Be encouraged.
It’s been a good day. I hope you’ve had a good day too.

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Reflections From Sunday Evening

March 17 is Saint Patrick’s day. It is a holy, feast day in the Church in Ireland. The story goes that Patrick was kidnapped by pirates from his home in Britain at age 16. He was taken as a slave to Ireland and was held there until he escaped and returned to Britain.  Later he returned as a Christian missionary and brought the Christian faith to replace a Celtic polytheism. He became bishop and eventually known as the patron saint of Ireland.
Later in history William invaded England and defeated King James ( who happened to be his father-in-law) and became King William of Orange. He saw the transition in England fron Catholicism to Protestantism.
Today the Irish flag is green, white, and orange. On St. Patrick’s Day Irish Catholics wear green and Irish Prutestants wear orange.
That is the brief history lesson and why I wear orange on St. Patrick’s Day.
On another note...
It was good to be in church on a weekend when the sun was shining and the sky was clear. Perhaps spring will soon arrive.
It’s been a good day. I hope you’ve had a good day too.

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Highlights from the weekend.  Saturday 3 young men were recognized as Eagle Scouts. This is a great accomplishment. The church is proud to be the sponsoring unit for Troop 314. We continue to watch young people develop in character and service.
Today 27 students were confirmed in “the faith and fellowship of all true disciples of Jesus Christ”.  It will be a joy to watch these young disciples grow in faith and discover many ways of serving the Kingdom of God. Confirmation is the result of dedicated adult leaders and committed families.
Today Max Bonikowski was presented for baptism. His parents pledged to hold Max in the guidance of the church and set an example that will sustain him as he accepts the gift of salvation for himself.
This afternoon we celebrated the life of Vernon Robinett. His witness and Christ-like character is an inspiration to all of us.
Everyone whose life was touched this weekend was different. There were a variety of gifts and talents. Interests are varied. Goals and dreams are different.
From birth to death we have this in common. The grace of the Lord Jesus sustains all. The Holy Spirit  touches everyone uniquely. It is amazing. We saw it this weekend.
It’s been a good day. I hope you’ve had a good day too.

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Well, that is only about 9 weekends with bad weather! Still, we had a hearty group out this morning, twice our usual Saturday night crowd and more live stream viewers than ever. So, the Gospel was shared and we worshipped. Signs of the times.
On another has been a challenging week for our United Methodist family. I will give an update tomorrow (Monday) evening at 7:00. It is meant to attempt to walk through the General Conference experience and help see where we are.
On another note...I tend to frustrate people who want me to “take a stand” whether it is in the current debate or a host of other issues. For good or bad I am pastor to many different people with different needs, views, and hopes.
I do not try to “make a point” when we are talking about issues that touch on many people’s relationship with Jesus Christ. My point is the Cross. The Cross points up to God. The Cross points from heaven to earth. The Cross points to the corners of the earth. My point has been made. Now I seek to follow that point in love and holiness; with grace upon grace and the Spirit without limit; with the Fruit of the Spirit and spiritual gifts; in character and conduct. 
My point is to follow Jesus. 
On another note...Yesterday I caught a little bit of the Royals spring training game on the radio. Royals announcer Ryan Lefebvre pointed out that in Arizona it was 75 degrees. Recognizing the anticipated snow, wind, and cold coming to K. C.,  he went on to say, but with the windchill it is more like 74. 
Good days are coming.
It’s been a good day. I hope you’ve had a good day too.

Thursday, February 28, 2019

Reflections From General Conference

48 hours past the adjournment of the special called session of General Conference I wanted to share some thoughts.

The mood was somber. Tension grew. Pain was evident. Frustration and anger materialized.

At the end of the day the delegates voted down the One Church model, which would have removed all discriminatory language referring to homosexuality and given local churches the choice of hosting same sex marriages or not. Clergy would be given the choice to perform same sex marriages or not. Annual conferences would be given choices about ordaining self-avowed homosexuals. As with all these matters it is much more complex but that is the idea.

Later the conference affirmed the Traditional Model, which maintains the current position prohibiting same sex marriage and ordaining and appointing LGBTQ persons.

It was painful to witness LGBTQ persons suffer deep anguish at the outcome. My prayer is that we all commit to sharing the love of Christ with ALL.

At present the actions taken on the Traditional Plan are being reviewed by our Judicial Council. It could be two months before we know what actually was done. Such is the slow pace of action.

Much more took place but we can talk about that later when we can meet together. (Watch for an announcement. (EDITED TO NOTE: The Church Meeting will be held Monday, March 4 at 7 p.m.)

At this point I merely share my sense that PWC is most closely aligned with the principles of One Church. We are a diverse people with convictions across the spectrum. I am personally committed to pursuing a course of action that has the best interest of our church at heart. Certainly not everyone agrees and different opinions strengthen us.

The next months will give us an understanding of where we actually are. My hunch is we will be right where we were going into the conference.

This is an emotional time in the United Methodist Church, this is an emotional time in our own church. But the Holy Spirit is still able to comfort and empower his people.

I expect our church to continue to welcome all people, gay and straight, to know and claim the grace of God in Jesus Christ. I want our LGBTQ friends and family to know that many in our denomination grieve at the harm done. May forgiveness, grace, and reconciliation come.

For now we will all gather to worship, pray, fellowship, serve, and be the people of God. To the LGBTQ community we offer Christ.  We know that when we fail and fall short, Jesus never does. We continue to seek God’s best way forward.


Sunday, February 17, 2019

Reflections From Sunday Evening and still do church together.

Today we talked about the upcoming special called session of our United Methodist General Conference. We realize that we are deeply divided regarding LGBTQ issues. The hope is to find a way forward where we live together as United Methodists despite our differences.
Frankly, it is hard to vision 844 delegates from around the world who are deeply divided, find a way that will be acceptable to everyone.  People of good faith have arrived at different positions on issues.
But it has become obvious to me that it is possible for people who have very different opinions to love one another and serve together.
At Platte Woods Church we are Democrats and Republicans. We sit on the same row in worship. We are in classes together.  We cheer for MU and KU. We like K-State and Iowa State. We cheer for Missouri State and even Nebraska. I pointed out it would be so much better if everyone was a Baker person. But we are all different.
We know how to do church together. We agree on many things. We also disagree about a lot. But when someone comes home from the hospital and we sign up to bring meals, no one asks what their position on immigration is. We just love, serve, and care.
Maybe we can show the larger church that it is possible to hold very different opinions and strong convictions and still do church together. Maybe the church will find a way to show the world a better way.
It’s been a good day. I hope you’ve had a good day too.

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Reflections From Sunday Evening

I am sitting in our gathering space watching people enter the building for a special baptism service. We have a number of students in our confirmation class and some have not been baptized. Tonight is a special night. Young people will remember this experience all their lives. Their families will be grateful for God’s Grace. We invite members of our congregation to share in the moment.
I think about what we are getting ready for and I remember my own baptism. Pastor Louis Johnson baptized Jeff Lambert, Phillip Landers, Larry Kelly, and Steve Breon.
I remember. I watch others entering. Shortly we will celebrate baptism and professions of faith. Shortly we will join together and remember our baptism.
It’s been a good day. I hope you’ve had a good day too.

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Reflections From Sunday Evening

I was blessed to be in worship today. So good to have Jake and Britton preaching. I am taking some time to plan the messages around the special called session of General Conferene coming in February as well as a series for Lent where we will be thinking about the idea, “Is God to Blame?”
This afternoon we had a church conference and talked about our vision for reaching the unreached in the Northland over the coming years.
I shared an insight I read from a church consultant. The context is how Church attendance is in a time of decline in the USA. The fastesr growing demographic on church participation surveys are the “nones”. These are people with no religious affiliation.
So, the insight is...Mainline churches see decline as the new norm. Growing, evangelical churches see decline as the next challenge to be met.
Which attitude do you claim? As for me, I choose not to settle for decline being viewed as normal. The Gospel of Jesus Christ has been changing lives and the world for centuries. Jesus is still alive. The Holy Spirit continues to move. May God empower us to meet the new challenge of our time.
It’s been a good day. I hope you’ve had a good day too.

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Reflections From Sunday Evening

The last few days have been a whirlwind. My dad, Robert Breon, passed away early Friday morning. After some time of declining health and strength he quickly passed away very peacefully.
There have been so many moments where God’s grace has been truly amazing. Today at church I found myself surrounded by the most astounding family in the Body of Christ. There is something wonderful about God’s people and support that comes.
My family is blessed. The love of Christ is tangible. How I long for all to know the Savior like my dad did and be part of the family of God.
In spite of these moments, it’s been a good day. I hope you’ve had a good day too.

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Reflections From Sunday Evening

To be the best you gotta beat the best. We will hear that around town all week as our Chiefs prepare to host the New England Patriots in the AFC championship game and a trip to the Super Bowl.  The Pats have a goofy run of excellence. They have been the best for over a decade. Tom Brady has been in like a zillion Super Bowls.  The best.
So along comes this 23 year old, Patrick Mahomes. This Chiefs team has become something we are not accustomed to seeing. They are crazy good on offense. Could there be a changing of the guard? Could Mahomes become a generational talent? Could the Chiefs establish an unprecedented run of success?
Could be. To be the best you gotta beat the best.
Clearly the future looks bright for our guys. This week will be fun. The Chiefs have many big games in their future.
Sports are so much fun. But they are not the most important thing in life. We believe our faith in Jesus is most important. And to be the best...
(Keep making your list)
To be the best we SURRENDER.
We surrender our life to Christ and discover we are our “ best” when in Christ.
It’s been a great day. I hope you’ve had a great day too.

Sunday, January 6, 2019

Reflections From Sunday Evening

The year is off to a good start. People seemed to be in a good mood this weekend. There was well wishing. Happy New Year. The fellowship was a joy to behold. It was the church alive.
The church alive is engaged in worship. This was evident today. Singing praise, prayers, scripture, and communion. Hearts were touched by thr Living Lord. Worship.
The church alive serves. We were reminded of the number of people who served over 270 meals at 44 locations on Christmas morning. That is but one of the service engagements we shared in.
The church alive learns together. There are on-going classes. There are new groups being formed. There are new classes kicking off. There are new groups waiting to emerge.
The church alive is generous. $30,000 + was given Christmas Eve. We get to give all of it away to help others. People are generous with time and energy. The church alive excels in the practice of generosity.
The churc alive realizes we primarily exist for those who are not yer here. We invite people to come hear the Good News. The church alive reproduces faith in unbelievers, hopeful believers, and fully engaged believers.
This is a picture of the church alive. I saw her today.
It’s been a good day. I hope you’ve had a good day too.