Sunday, April 7, 2019

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Today I mentioned Skal Labissiere, a professional basketball player for the Portland Trailblazers. It makes me think.
There are 30 teams in the NBA. They have a roster maximum of 15 players. So there are 450 players in the league.
Of the 450 players I would say there are 8 superstars. Actually, there is Lebron and then the rest, but let’s say 8 superstars that are simply a cut above the rest.
Then there are 24 All Stars. The All Star game has 2 teams with 12 players each. 24 All Stars.
These would be included among the 150 starters for the teams in the league.
That leaves 300 players who range from contributing subs, role players, and those who mainly provide people to practice against and play very little. That would include Skal Labissiere and many others.
Here’s the thing about all these role players. They are elite athletes.  Elite players among their peers.
Here’s the thing. As followers of Jesus Christ we really do not have super star or all star Christians. But we are elite. You are an elite person loved by God. The forgiveness and grace of God’s sets you apart. As a child of God humbly accept elite status.
It’s been a good day. I hope you’ve had a good day too.

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