Sunday, August 11, 2019

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Backpack blessing. We invited children to come forward during prayer time this weekend to pray for them as they get ready for a new school year. The kids seemed fine with standing up in front of everyone. Even a couple of them took a bow!
We prayed for a great school year. We prayed for the contents of their backpacks to be used for learning. It was a true blessing.
Another part was asking the congregation to show them some love. We clapped and cheered for the kids. We even agreed to pray for them - and all those in school - through the school year.
While I was doing that it hit me how much of an encouragement this could be. We invited the kids to look at the people in the congregation. They waved. They clapped. They cheered.
Then I asked them to remember they were being prayed for every day. When they did not feel like going to school, or they felt bad for whatever reason, I wanted them to remember their church was cheering for them.
That’s what we do. We cheer for each other. Young, old, middle, we are cheering for one another.
So, pray for your church family. Cheer them on.and remember, this week, when you feel discouraged or you doubt, fear, or question, you are being cheered on.
It’s been a good day. I hope you’ve had a good day too.

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