Sunday, February 17, 2019

Reflections From Sunday Evening and still do church together.

Today we talked about the upcoming special called session of our United Methodist General Conference. We realize that we are deeply divided regarding LGBTQ issues. The hope is to find a way forward where we live together as United Methodists despite our differences.
Frankly, it is hard to vision 844 delegates from around the world who are deeply divided, find a way that will be acceptable to everyone.  People of good faith have arrived at different positions on issues.
But it has become obvious to me that it is possible for people who have very different opinions to love one another and serve together.
At Platte Woods Church we are Democrats and Republicans. We sit on the same row in worship. We are in classes together.  We cheer for MU and KU. We like K-State and Iowa State. We cheer for Missouri State and even Nebraska. I pointed out it would be so much better if everyone was a Baker person. But we are all different.
We know how to do church together. We agree on many things. We also disagree about a lot. But when someone comes home from the hospital and we sign up to bring meals, no one asks what their position on immigration is. We just love, serve, and care.
Maybe we can show the larger church that it is possible to hold very different opinions and strong convictions and still do church together. Maybe the church will find a way to show the world a better way.
It’s been a good day. I hope you’ve had a good day too.

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