Tuesday, May 28, 2013

winning your fears

I am not sure why I thought about a story I made up and told my son when he was a little boy. It was about a dragon that made all the people in the village afraid. (what boy doesn't like a good dragon story?) Well it fell to "Sir Bobby" to save the people from the scary dragon. Upon his encounter with the dragon it became evident that the fearful dragon was not that bad at all. He was simply a dragon who needed a friend. So my son became a hero who introduced the villagers to a benevolent dragon. The dragon ended up not only a friendly dragon but also a protector of the people. I may need to go back and remember some of the details of that tale. Maybe I thought of the story today because someone is afraid and needs to win their fears to a benevolent helper and protector. Could our fears really be changed? Could our fears really have their veneer removed and seen for exactly what they are? Perhaps it is true...perfect love casts out fear. Could love change fear to friendship? steve

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