Sunday, May 5, 2013

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Today we celebrated confirmation with a great class. Frankly the reason many of us are pastors is for the opportunity to play even a small part in a person professing their faith in Jesus Christ. We had a great day with this years confirmation class. I pray God's blessing on every student and parent and teacher and leader and all those who played a role in this very significant experience. My message to the class was Remember. There are many acts and experiences in the Church that help us remember. I encourage everyone to avail yourself of what helps you remember. A Google search of the Kansas City A's 1962 took me to Baseball Almanac and there was the entire schedule and results of the 1962 Kansas City A's baseball team. This helped me remember something. On May 27, 1962 my dad took me to my first major league baseball game. It was a double header with the Los Angeles Angels. The A's won the first game and lost the second. I have many memories. The clearest memory I have of the game was in the second game the A's lost. Haywood Sullivan was the catcher and he dropped a pop-up. I can see it to this day. I was 9 years old. I was a baseball player. I was a catcher. I had actually caught pop-ups. I thought to myself...I could be a major league baseball player...That is a story for another day. Remember. In the movie "42" the story of Jackie Robinson breaking the color barrier in major league baseball, there is a scene where a 10 year old African American has a moment with Jackie Robinson. At the end of the movie when they show some pictures of characters and tell something about what happened to them this boy's picture was shown. Under the picture is written. Ed Charles. Played for the 1969 Miracle Mets. What was left unsaid was this. Ed Charles. Also played for the Kansas City A's from 1962-67...and he gave Steve Breon his autograph! That makes me only 1 removed from Jackie Robinson! Today in confirmation and in our service of Holy Communion no one was one removed. In Christ we are with God. It's been a good day. I hope you've had a good day too. steve

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