Sunday, April 28, 2013

Reflections From Sunday Evening

It was a joy to share in two baptisms this morning. Blessings upon Olivia Hundt and Brent Reilly. Through the waters of baptism two children were marked for Christian Discipleship. Two sets of parents were given the opportunity to confirm their faith in Jesus Christ and make a promise to raise their children in the faith. We anticipate these children one day making their own personal commitment to Christ and the Church. Furthermore we all re-affirmed our faith in and commitment to Jesus Christ. There is a lot that goes on in the act of baptism. Beginning next week we will share in a message series talking about things we do in the Church. We will talk about Communion, Baptism, Pentecost (the Holy Spirit), Eternal Life and Call. I look forward to sharing with you over the next few weeks. I trust our faith will increase. We will also celebrate our Confirmation Class next Sunday at the 11:00 service. I will have reflections on the 40 young people who will make their profession of faith next week. We anticipate a great day. It's been a good day. I hope you've had a good day too. steve

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