Sunday, April 21, 2013

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Strange things happen when transformers blow fuses. That has an effect on churches. It does things like make the sound system not work but the LCD boots back up. It means lights are on in one hallway but not the next. There are some lights at the front of the sanctuary but not in the rest. So we worship old style. No microphone. Little light. But we went on just fine. They got the sound system working for the next service at 9:30. We could call it mood lighting by then. Finally during the 11:00 service the lights came back. The power company replaced a fuse and we were back to normal. In essense we had church on partial power this morning. Sadly we have a tendency to live a life of faith on partial power. In our quest for an abundant life of grace we often run on partial power. In essence we spend too much effort trying to serve the Lord and walk in His grace in our own power. The truth is God longs to impart to us His power. Can you imagine what a life of faith would look like when running on the fullness of God's power. Most of us have spent most of our time seeking merely enough grace to get some basic forgivenss and help when we are in trouble. That is living on the limited resources of God. I look for something better. We may live a fully resourced Christian life. Anticipate what your faith will look like when the lights come on and full power is restored. It's been a good day. I hope you've had a good day too. steve

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