Sunday, April 14, 2013

Reflections From Sunday Evening

We went and saw 42 this afternoon. The story of Jackie Robinson breaking the color barrier in major league baseball is great. Of course I am a baseball fan but this movie is a must see. Check it out and let me know what you think. In the movie the owner of the Brooklyn Dodgers,Branch Rickey, sought out a young baseball player named Jack Robinson. He was playing for the Kansas City Monarchs at the time. Another intersting point in the movie (for me) came when Rickey was stating his case for calling on Jackie Robinson for this significant breakthrought. Rickey said, "He's a Methodist. I'm a Methodist and God's a Methodist!" That was some good news to hear! Evidently Branch Rickey was a one time member of Grace Methodist Church in St. Louis. All the Methodist talk aside this is a story of American racism and one of the factors that has helped in the struggle for justice and inclusion. When you see the movie notice the scene where the 10 year old boy has a brief encounter with Jackie Robinson. Remind me and I will tell you a story in a future blog. It's been a good day. I hope you've had a good day too. steve

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