Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Prayers for Boston

I just left the sanctuary and a time of prayer for those touched by the violence at the Boston Marathon. We shared in a litany of prayer and are offering time for reflection. I lit a candle and knealt at the communion rail praying in remembrance of an 8 year old boy and a 29 year old girl, the first identified victims. I prayed for father's who are suffering unimanginable loss. I prayed for those seeking the perpetrators of the violence. I prayed, I pray. Please join us. As I spent a few moments with background music, candles and fellow believers I was struck with the contrast between the chaotic violence at the finish line of the Boston Marathon and the very peaceful setting for our prayers today. I realize again how our world is filled with violence. Eye catching events like the Boston bombing get our attention but violence takes place daily in our world and even in our own cities. Even with that reality I do not want to detract from the focus we need to put on the events of Boston. We pray. We pray sometimes in the midst of chaos and shouts and running and fear. We pray in the peaceful presence of the Living Lord Jesus Christ. May our prayers bring peace to the chaos flashing through many lives today. May the peace of Christ prevail - yet again. Pray steve If you are in the area Platte Woods UMC invites you to come by for prayer. We share together at the top of the hour - 5, 6, 7 & 8.

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