Sunday, May 12, 2013

Reflections From Sunday Evening

In my home church in Appleton City the members surprised my mom today. She has been playing the organ or piano at the church for over 65 years. I beleve she started when she was 14! At the beginning of church they took her off the organ bench and gave her a seat by the pulpit. She said she did not have any idea what was going on. She got it figured out when people started walking by with hugs and cards. I appreciate the great people of Trinity UMC for recognizing mom. They surprised her and showed her some love. That seems pretty good to do something for over 60 years. it gets me thinking. I wonder how long I can preach... On another note... Our message series this month is Sink or Swim. We recognize that there are many challenges in the culture today. Frankly each of us have seasons of life where it feels like we are floating on a turbulent sea. People have many ways to cope with life but in the church we are a unique people. This month we are looking at practices of the church and some of the things we talk about. Here is the idea. The hope and grace that comes through the church keeps us afloat in a turbulent culture. We have looked a communion and baptism. Next week: Pentecost. I look forward to sharing the source of God's power that sustains us in life. Back to the first part of this blog. Happy Mother's Day Mom. I know you've had a great day. It has been a good day. I hope you've had a good day too. steve

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