Sunday, February 26, 2012

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Lately many people have been talking about the difference in a movement and an institution - especialy as it relates to the United Methodist Church.
A movement has a clear identifying, unifying vision, or purpose. For example: the early Methodists were about "spreading scriptural holiness throughout the land and reforming the nation." A clear, unifying vision.
On the other hand an institution focuses on rules, regulations and structures.
The United Methodist Church as a whole is a perfect example of an institution.
In our Book of Discipline (the book of "ruels" for our church) the word "shall" is used 4,683 times. This means the institution seeks to "mandate" practice by demanding that certain things be done.
On the other hand the word "may" is used 1,382 times. This is permissive language. It gives more freedom to act as a "movement."
I think about how this affects our church. Do we specialize in rules, regulations and structure or do we operate from a clear, unifying vision?
Are we an institution or a movement?
In truth we are some of both. We have structure but we seek to have a simple structure that will not choke life out of ministry.
We have a clear vision. "To build an outwardly focused Christian community of full participants in the life of grace."
The more we actually live into this vision the more we resemble a movement.
We could say the church of tomorrow.....but in truth we need to say the church of today... will resemble a movement more and more.
It's been a good day. I hope you've had a good day too.

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