Sunday, February 19, 2012

Reflections From Sunday Evening

We are preparing to read the scriptures as a congregation. The Story is a compilation of the Bible put together in the form of a "story." This is God's story of redemption. We will be reading, sharing in small groups and preaching The Story during Lent (Ash wednesday is this Wednesday!)
I just read one of those stories we come across in the Bible and really had little or no idea they were in there. In 2 Samuel 6 there is a story about King David leading the procession where Israel brings the Ark of the Covenant back home. During the trip one of the oxen that is drawing the cart carrying the Ark stumbles. The Ark tips. A man named Uzzah reaching out his hand to steady the Ark. This incurs the Lord's anger and Uzzah is struck dead.
We generally have looked at this story and said it is a lesson on total obedience to the Lord. They were not supposed to touch the Ark. But do we have an understanding of God that we beleive the Lord kills when we step out of line or error on a technicality?
In our day we could look at a story like this from a different perspective. Our questions come when something bad happens to someone we consider good.
We get the idea that when someone is injured or even killed while doing the work of the Lord that God "took them."
Perhaps Uzzah was simply the victim of an "accident" that occured during his service to the Lord.
When you read the stories of scripture and come across those that cause you to stop and wonder what in the world this means, stop and reflect on your understanding of the nature and character of God. Our clearest picture is seen in the life of Jesus Christ. Always filter your responses to the story through Christ.
You may not have full or even satisfactory understanding of the stories but God will be in the midst of your discovery of faith and faithful living in Christ.
I encourage you not only to read the Story but also be in church each week to hear the Story proclaimed. Furthermore I encorage you to be in a small group during Lent where you will be able to explore the Story.
See you as you discover your story.

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