Sunday, January 18, 2009

Reflections From Sunday Evening

It seems to me we have some "professional acolytes." What's an acolyte, you say? That is the person who begins our service by lighting the candles. Historically these were young people who assisted the priest in various ways. They might assist with baptisms or communion. In some places others assist by bringing in the Bible or other symbols used in worship. We are not "high church" so our acolytes are pretty limited to lighting the candles.

There is some real significance to this. When one of our young people walks down the aisle they represent bringing Christ (the Light of the World) into our midst. So this is important! Without the Light of the World -- what's the use?

The Light of the World, Jesus Christ, has certainly been among us. Today someone commented that the Holy Spirit was with us. I agree! Evidently someone has been praying because we can sense God's presence among us -- stirring, encouraging, bringing joy.

In case you've missed it we have three "generations" so far. The WWII generation (The Greatest Generation according to Tom Brokaw) made the unique contribution of a spirit of sacrifice. We named the 60's Generation's unique contribution living in the tension between hope and despair. Today we did the 70's. The unique contribution was named as "spiritual awakening." I really enjoyed sharing the message and being part of the services this weekend. Eveyone who participates in our worship planning and leading is a great blessing.

It's been a good day. I hope you've had a good day too.

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