Wednesday, January 21, 2009


I was with our staff at a work retreat Tuesday. We were suffering for Jesus at Staley Farms! I made sure we were notified when it was time for President Obama to receive the oath of office. A little before 11:00 we took a break and gathered around the TV. Together we witnessed this historic event.

Once again I stand amazed at our peaceful transition of power. If we were not the envy of every other country for any reason but this it would be enough. We have hard fought campaigns and then suddenly our differences melt into the fundamental truth that we share our common heritage as Americans.

I was a little boy when John Kennedy was elected president. All indications tell us that the election of Barack Obama rivals that of JFK in 1962. We are a nation that values freedom -- all freedom -- thought, politics, religion -- freedom. Regardless of who anyone voted for or whether one is overjoyed today or discouraged, Americans stand together and witness this peaceful transition of power.

There was another part of watching the inauguration that captured my attention. Did I tell you we were at Staley Farms? My daughter, Andrea, works there. She was coordinating our event yesterday. As I stood watching history unfold I realized I was standing next to my 27-year-old daughter. We were watching the events through eyes that have 28 years' difference in them. We look at the world through different eyes. We also share many things. It simply increases my wonder to realize who I stood by and who I was surrounded by as we watched the events of the inauguration.

Here is a note that is even better. Americans agree and disagree yet share in the same gift of freedom no matter who we vote for. Take it a step further. Christians stand shoulder to shoulder with one another as we witness the reign of Jesus Christ. We stand together in the love of Christ, our witness to Christ, the power of Christ, the presence of Christ, the joy of Christ, the grace of Christ -- I could go on. We stand together - side by side - shoulder to shoulder - heart to heart.
May the events of this significant transition in our nation's history serve to remind us of the significance of our shared faith in Jesus Christ. We stand together.

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