Sunday, July 30, 2017

Reflections From Sunday Evening

I was listening to a podcast this week.  It was a podcaster named Carey Nieuwhof and he was interviewing someone - I did not know him and can't remember his name.  But what he said stood out to me.  What I remember about the conversation could be boiled down to "look for a new thing rather than the next thing."
Like many people I tend to think in a linear manner.  Do one thing and begin to look to the next thing.  That includes strategic planning and moving forward to the next thing on the agenda.  Certainly when we walk with the Lord we continually move to the next thing in the Christian life.
Without discounting that what if we looked for God's new thing.  A new thing is not necessarily anticipated.  A new thing is not planned.  A new thing is a thing God creates and does.
Perhaps it goes along the line of "I saw a new heaven and new earth."  We might make a case that God specializes is new things.
History has witnessed God doing a new thing on the earth.  Who could have anticipated the resurrection of Jesus?  God has done new things in nations.  Who could have anticipated the Wesleyan Revival when scriptural holiness spread across the nation?  Who could have anticipated the new life God gives to the one who opens their heart and finds the Holy Spirit moving in and transforming their life?
What if we were to pray; God do a new thing in the world in our time; God do a new thing in the Church; God do a new thing in my life?
It's been a great day.  I hope you've had a great day too.

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