Sunday, February 28, 2010

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Well today was much better than last week! All things considered this was a beautiful day. No rain, snow, sleet. It was good to be together for worship.
We had a good conversation with police chief Jim Corwin this afternoon. He spoke with us about issues of violence in our community. It is a great thing to realize the data confirms that violent crime is actually down from where it was just a few years ago. However the perception is that somebody gets shot every day! That is really not true. We are doing a pretty amazing job at responding to situations and helping lower the crime rate.
But we were talking about some things we might be able to do that would begin to break the cycle of violence. We heard words like partnership and compassion. It is vitally important that we understand these issues affect our commuity. While a disproportionate amount of violent crime is isolated in a couple of zip codes, this is still our community.
I was encouaraged by our congregations participation. I believe we will find ways to move forward and make a difference.
When I walk around my neighborhood I feel very blessed. I feel relatively safe. But I also realize that 15 minutes away people cannot say the same thing. One way we as an outwardly focused Christian community can show compassion and care for our brothers and sisters is to step forward and be engaged in ways that help. I know there are great ideas forthcoming. I pray we not only talk about these things but also find the Spirit motivating us to action.
It's been a good day. I hope you've had a good day too.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Reflections From Sunday Evening

I'm been a pastor for over 1700 Sundays. Been alive over 2900 Sundays. For the life of me I cannot remember a worse weather Sunday ever! Now I'm sure that is an overstatement. But it does seem that way. Of course if we lived in North Dakota this would be just another day and off we'd go. But we are not used to this. In spite of freezing rain, sleet and snow that is continuing throughtout the day we gathered for worship today. And the truth is the Lord was with us.
We began our "Life of Grace" series and talked about the grace of God at work upon and within us. It is good news to know that God, the Holy Spirit is working to bring us into relationship with Jesus and lead us in the life of grace.
Since only about 40% of our normal crowd was present we got the service on-line and you are encouraged to take a look. Go to our website and join us in worship. Amazing isn't it?
But enough of that. What do we do when circumstances beyond our control affect us? We might complain about things and it could make us feel better for a moment but complaining never changes anything. We could go the "make excuses" route. Things would be better if....By the same token excuses do not improve things.
I'm sure we could think of any number of responses to challenges. But what if we tried something else? We might change the way we do things. Instead of fretting about so many people not hearing the first sermon in a pretty significant series we could put it on line and allow people to experience the word in another way!
You are going to face various challenges this week. There will be something at work, school or somewhere in your life that is not anticipated. You are going to be tempted to express frustration. You will be tempted to make excuses.
You have expectations for this week. You have expectations for your life - your family - your job. We are filled with expectations. Then something happens that was not expected. Snow falls, jobs are lost, kids disappoint, we goof something up.
Rather than yield to frustration or make excuses what if we surveyed what we have and set out to maximize our opportunities? You see, God is faithful and refuses to forsake us. Our God is one who makes our path clear. Our God is to be trusted.
As a matter of fact this adventuresome God we love and serve may have something better in store for us than what we had anticipated in the first place.
I watch it continue to snow. I'm not sure what morning will bring. But God has some great ideas and is eager to share them with us. Listen for the voice of God - Watch for God's hand of grace. Trust in the Lord.
I choose to say this has been a good day. I hope you see the good in your day.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Today two boys sought me out and gave me a Valentine's chocolate kiss! Thanks for looking me up and sharing. With one we have a little secret. I told you I was going to eat it when Curtis started preaching.
Last night after church another boy had something to tell me. His story - I accepted the Lord this week. I told him that was the best news I'd heard all week! And it was.
That gives you an idea of what goes on at church. Children giving - accepted the Lord - smiles.
I did some other things this weekend. Sue Nilson-Kibbey is the executive pastor at Ginghamsburg UMC in Tipp City, Ohio. It is a large, dynamic, pace-setting church. Sue was with us this weekend to meet with our staff on friday evening. She then shared with our staff and some of our lay leadership. Her message was encouraging (to me) and challenging.
Yesterday Sue and Bishop Schnase led a workshop on "Staffing for Excellence." Clergy and members of Staff Parish Relations Committees from over 10 area churches came and shared in the day of teaching. It was an amazingly relevant workshop. It was such a blessing to share with other churches.
This is all part of helping us move from the level of church life we are currently experiencing to the next level we pray God creates. As we continue to move into God's future some things may be anticipated. Participation will increase as we become more intentional about extending the mission of the church (to build an outwardly focused Christian community of full participants in the life of grace) into the world. We will become more and more known as the church that expresses acts of kindness, mercy, compassion and service. We will be the church that extends invitation to Christ in many creative manners. Participation in worship, learning, serving, giving and sharing the faith will increase.
Two others things to note about this. Some of this participation will come in the lives of current members but that will probably be a small part of what God is doing. I pray for spiritual renewal among us and trust the Lord will touch many lives with a fresh breath of grace. But most of the change will come from new people who are not carbon copies of us. I believe we will be more than willing to join in the work of God as we continue to move forward in the life of grace.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Reflections From Sunday Evening

I really like Boy Scout Sunday. Today we have 54 young men (I believe that is what I was told) who spent the night at the lock-in and then joined together in worship. They helped in the 8:15 service. Charles Main did the morning prayer. I think we were into a new area but I am so pround of this young man for stepping up and doing what 2/3 of those present would not want to do! They boys helped set up for the pancake breakfast. They did everything they could to help. Some even pulled a dead deer away from our church drive! It was a blessing to have these young men and many of their family members share with us today.
If you were in church today you heard a call to invite people to faith - church, to God, to friendship with Jesus - especially those who may be more skeptical of the Christian faith. As we move toward our conversation of "the life of grace" it is important to understand that "the life of grace welcomes those skeptical of the faith." Several people seemed encouraged by the fact we do not have to have all the answers for everyone who doubts - someone has been hesitant to speak of the faith to others for fear they would say the wrong thing and do more harm that good. Hopefully now we realize our task is simple - invite - "come and see." Come and see what God has done and continues to do in my life. We may trust the risen Christ, through the power of the Holy Spirit will touch the heart and change the life.
It's been a good day. Not long until the Super Bow. I hope you've had a good day to.