Sunday, June 26, 2016

Reflections From Sunday Evening

I was surprised when the people of Great Britain voted to leave the European Union. You can listen to and read all the political experts explain this but in essence it seems to me a populist movement. Citizens are weary of trusting leaders to make decisions for them. So here we go. There is a good bit of this going on in the USA these days. Trust of leaders and institutions is low. There have probably been times in history that were even more challenging, but these are "interesting" times. So what do we as followers of Jesus do with the current climate?
 In America we are committed to democracy. We in the United Methodist Church do not really operate as a democracy. We are a representative form of church government. We elect people to represent us at all levels of our church life, including the local church. The past few years all the administration books and leadership books have stressed the necessity of strong leadership in the church. (With the exception of Leonard Sweet who keeps insisting that we do not need leaders as much as followers of Jesus.)
So what do we do? Who do we copy? What does all this have to say to us at Platte Woods UMC?
We are always seeking to learn from others but want to recognizing our unique features and do what we do well.
We are trying to build a leadership model that calls for the Senior Pastor to cast vision and show the way forward.  The authority is in influence.
The staff identifies, recruits and equips leaders who do the same to bring the people of the congregation into ministry and service.
When this works right the people are the "ministers".  The staff and church leadership support the church, not steer the course.
Like most other things in the culture today it presents challenges.  But what a great time in the life of our church to be part of what God is doing.  Always learning.  Always seeking.  Always serving.
Here we go.
It's been a good day.  I hope you've had a good day too.

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Father's Day. Thinking about dad and how grateful to be able to stop by and visit to this day. I think of sooooo many things about my dad. He took me to my first Big League baseball game. He was my biggest fan whether it was pee wee baseball, high school football, basketball, track or any other activity. He was discipline. He was encouragement. He was teacher. He has many stories that still bless me. He was always present in church. I may not have been sitting by him but he was always in view. He was example. He was provider. He was influencer. He was a (silent) cheerleader. He was there when I started preaching. He is still there - often physically, always in spirit. There is so much more my brother and I could say about our dad. But today it is Happy Father's Day. Thanks for all you are and have ever been. Now I better finish up. The kids will be here in a minute and I get to go get mom and dad for dinner. It's been a good day. I hope you've had a good day too. steve

Monday, June 13, 2016

Reflections From Sunday Evening

And we rest... Kevin Roth John Armstrong Marvin Raley We celebrated each of these lives the past week. Kevin was a tremendous leader in our Scouting program. His memorial service featured a Tribe of Mic-O-Say service. I found it meaningful and encouraging. John's service was at Leavenworth and featured the Military Service. The recognition of service to country added deep meaning to his memorial service. Marvin's service included military honors and his life in the church was a very meaningful part of his remembrance. There were other things that happened in the life of our church this week. A worshiping community gathered in support of one who lost a loved one. A baby was baptized. Two people want to join the church. (I got that news Sunday!) Pastor Jake and Keera had a reception in light of their recent marriage. People smiled. People listened. People heard the Word. People took a challenge. Some are going to be reading a Gospel this week! Many played golf and helped raise money for our church endowment. (Thank you Nelson and Kathie Hopper) People served by providing hospitality in the parking lot. (I point these out because they had a new challenge this week.) People led in worship. People got some good news this week. Some people got bad news this week. This merely scratches the surface of a life in the week of the people of God coming together at Platte Woods UMC. It's been a great - an amazing - a meaningful week. It's been a good day. I hope you've had a good day too. blessings, steve