Sunday, August 30, 2009

Reflections From Sunday Evening

If you heard the sermon today you know I was talking about what I would need to do in order to be a better golfer. It sounds like a great idea. I'd love to play golf regularly. I'd like to hit the ball straight and far. I'd love to be able to chip and putt. For this to happen a couple of things must happen.
  1. Take lessons. I went over that. I would need someone to instruct me in the fundamentals. It is important to do things correctly - grip, stance, swing. Then ...
  2. Practice. Hit balls - practice chipping - putting - all the different shots - get consistent.
Practice takes commitment. Time - energy - focus - expense. I doubt many were surprised when I said right now, it's not going to happen. At this point in life I am not willing to set aside the time, use the energy, place and focus and commit the expense to being a better golfer.
Many people consider the spiritual life but when it comes to needing to practice - spiritual disciplines - prayer - Bible reading - Christian conferencing - worship - they decide not to pursue it. Not now. Maybe later.

People are not against the Lord. Some will come to worship occasionally (just as I still play in the church golf tournament!). But there is a real challenge to making a commitment to the spiritual life.

It all fit together pretty well this weekend. It was funny - I got blessed preaching the sermon! The worship - baptism - commissioning a mission team to go to Greensburg, Kan., next weekend - youth sitting together in good numbers - the choirs - the praise team - special music - youth ushers - Wow. It was a good day. I hope you've had a good day too.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Reflections From Sunday Evening

In the parable of the Sower Jesus talks about planting seeds. Seeds get scattered in various places - a path, rocky ground, among thorns and on good soil. The results are fairly predictable. Seed that falls on the road tends to get eaten up by birds looking for food. Jesus likens this to the devil coming along and stealing the Word from people before it takes root and makes sense. Other seeds fell on stony ground - this is like the seed that sprouts up but in the heat of the day the produce withers. When the Word gets started in a person's life it will get taken down when challenges to faith arise. The seed in rocky places is like the Word sown in a life but the cares of this world choke it out. Only in good soil does seed produce. Jesus indicates we might expect as much as a 100 fold increase!

This weekend many seeds were planted just in our church alone. Here are some examples of seed planting. Greeted at the door - fellowship in Sunday School classes - a lesson for our youngest children - music - prayers - scripture read - a sermon - corporate worship - personal prayers - a smile - a handshake. You could add to the list. All these are seeds of the gospel of grace being planted week after week. We do it here and seed planting is reproduced all over the world. You will be planting seeds this week. The daily planting is essential for kingdom growth.

My question is this. How do we get to the good soil? Is it merely by chance? Is some soil predetermined to be good while other is just not going to produce? (That could be a Calvinist's interpretation but we are Wesleyan!) Should we be more selective in where (or to whom) we plant seed? Is there anything we might be able to do that would produce good soil? Are we able to create an environment in our church where the seeds being planted on a regular basis will be finding good soil - our hearts and souls?

Would you join me in praying that the seeds planted find good soil and we are privileged to witness seeds growing up and producing much fruit - many hearts touched - many lives moved - many souls saved.

It's been a good day. I hope you've had a good day too.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Brody Smith told me I mentioned "Christ" 54 times in the sermon this morning. Too repetitive or Christ-centered? Humor me a moment and allow me to consider it Christ-centered.

  • Some are exploring Christ - some are growing in Christ - some are close to Christ - some are becoming Christ-centered (that's all Willow Creek stuff but it is good).
  • Some are walking away from Christ - Some stopping at the impulse of Christ - some turning to Christ - some walking to Christ - Some walking with Christ - Some walking in Christ.
  • Christ calls us to follow - Christ desires our life - Christ calls us to join him.
That's 16 times in a couple of minutes - he's probably right.

Now if I can only back up my "talk" about Christ with actually living in Christ - the Christ-centered life.

This is our goal. It is a value to claim and pursue. To be Christ-centered forms a life where Jesus Christ is at the core of everything - Christ is the center of all our life. Christ is the power that holds all aspects of life together in the grace of God.

Well, I was glad to know I had something (SomeOne) to talk about today. I'm glad Brody was listening.

It's been a good day. I hope you've had a good day too.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Today we came together to worship as people in a variety of spiritual places. If we could create a "dread" scale we would have found people all along the spectrum. Many are living life oblivious to the dark cloud just over the horizon. Not really anxious, fearful or facing dread - but just moving along. (Use this season of life to strengthen your relationship with Christ - These are seasons for grace and growth - foundational.)

Others are smack in the middle of a dread experience. The hovering cloud of dread just came along and covered us. We're hanging on. We're in survival mode. Now is when we rely on the foundations of faith and grace that have been formed through the years. We find sustaining power in a season of apprehension, fear, anxiety and dread.

Others are coming out of the cloud. We are moving forward with dreams rekindled. Our trust in the goodness of God is stronger now than before.

It was that kind of day.

I'm pretty sure someone will put that video on here so you can see what dread looks like in my life! I'm not sure where it is right now.

I so appreciate everyone's part in our services. A special thanks to Cody Lawrence (he's in high school) for singing today. It takes a lot to get up and do that! Thanks.

Right now I'm getting ready to take our daughter Andrea to her birthday dinner. Cheesecake Factory - be there in a little while.

It's been a good day. I hope you've had a good day too.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Just a minute to brag on our pastoral staff. Pastor Angie preached on Freedom from Disease today. It was encouraging, inspiring, instructive, authentic - what else could I say? People were obviously blessed.

You put her message alongside Curtis last week and Pastor Ginger preaching that great sermon on Freedom From Doubt and you see how blessed we are.

But you only see the up-front part. This staff is an absolute joy to work with. Not only are Curtis, Angie and Ginger very gifted but they each have a tremendous heart for God and serving people. What a blessing.

Today we added the element of anointing to Holy Communion. Just another way to remind us that the risen Lord Jesus Christ comes to us, touches us, encourages us, corrects us, loves us ---heals us. I know people left church today with a keen sense that they had been in the presence of God.

It's been a good day. I hope you've had a good day too.