Sunday, June 24, 2018

Reflections From Sunday Evening

It is great to be part of a team.  Early this morning my dad needed to get checked out by a doctor so I found myself with him. Everything was fine.  I got to take him back home and left him eating breakfast.  Jake and Nancy stepped up and covered for me this morning.  I did get back for the late service but wow, what a feeling to know God has everything in good hands!  Thanks to all.
It reinforces how important it is that we all do our part in carrying out the mission of the Church.  We have a wonderful group of people serving Christ.  So thankful to be part of the team.
On another note...
We continue to pray and seek ways to justly care for children on our borders.  Some of you are deeply pained by what you see taking place.  Some of you point to legal precedent and expect honest enforcement.  All of us want to extend the heart of Jesus to the most vulnerable and needy.  Find your way to extend grace in every way.
We come back to where we began.  Whether it is in worship on Sunday morning or seeking the best solutions on our southern border, we are a team of followers of Jesus.  Together we carry on.  Together we witness to the saving work of Jesus Christ.  Together.
It's been a good day.  I hope you've had a good day too.

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Further Reflections

In addition to the blessings we enjoy we also realize that we are surrounded by sin, evil and pain.  Last week we learned of the triple murder and suicide here in the Northland.  It touched us close to home as one of the victims was one of our members and volunteers.  Her granddaughter, who escaped the tragedy, was connected to our youth ministry.  Another victim attended here.  We held Maggie's service on Friday and will have Sharmalee's Monday.  We all grieve.
Some blame mental health issues and our lack of support for many who struggle with these issues.
Some blame easy access to firearms and the resultant gun violence that has become a regular part of our lives.
Some blame pure evil for these destructive acts that claim and mar human life.
There is plenty of blame to go around regarding any and all of these issues. 
I truly wish I had the answer.  If I had unlimited resources and resolve there would be plenty of help for everyone struggling with mental illness. 
If I could snap my finger and eliminate all weapons, even guns, I would.  But clearly that isn't going to happen.
Perhaps we could begin with ourselves.  What is our responsibility regarding the issues of the day?  As followers of Jesus what are our responsibilities with guns and any weapons? 
I have to think that if my dad would have caught my friend and me trying to shoot each other with bb guns when we were kids, he would have had something to say about it.  It would have gone something like, "that bb gun requires responsible use.  Since you used it irresponsibly I think we better put it up for awhile."
Sadly there are many in our society who are irresponsible with guns - not bb guns but the kind that do real damage.  We may model responsible use of guns just like we are expected to be responsible citizens in all areas of life. 
We know that Christians are like good leaven in the world.  Our responsible actions and ways of living will have an impact.  So we pray and work and live and love. 

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Today our kids came up for church and then we gathered for lunch celebrating Father's Day and our son-in-law and daughter-in-laws birthdays.  So thankful for these moments and times to reflect and remember.
After they headed home Cindy and I went to see mom and dad.  Took dad a card, a gift and some banana cream pie.  (He likes that.)  Sat and watched the ball game and visited for awhile.  Pretty amazing to have both parents living into their late 80's.  Once again, feeling thankful.
I gave some thought to some of the influence my dad has had in my life.  I think of him being thoughtful.  He has taught me thoughtfulness.  I have this tendency to say what comes to mind and often find myself processing things out loud.  Dad is not like that.  He might not talk a lot but when he had something to say people tended to pay attention.  That is a great lesson.  Thoughtful.
My dad has taught me things like loyalty. (That's not as big a thing today, it seems.)  Dad stayed with the same company for 40 years.  He was loyal to the Church.  He has always been a good friend to people.  Even in a time when loyalty seems to be out of vogue, I find myself grateful for that trait being instilled in my own life.
There are so many life lessons.  So many times I can still see dad at the ballgames, at church, at work, or showing me how to throw a ball or shoot a basket.  I am thankful my dad is in my life.  Would love to keep living the lessons and passing on some of those traits instilled in me.
Happy Father's Day.  God bless.
It's been a good day.  I hope you've had a good day too.

Sunday, June 10, 2018

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Just back from Springfield and our Missouri Annual Conference.  The bottom line: a good time of learning, fellowship and encouraging our Methodist ministry in Missouri. 
We ordained 8 new elders and recognized the orders of 2 others.  It is a very promising class. 
We commissioned a number of young people, including our own Britton Fields.  A great group.
There were more local pastor licensed than I could count! 
Basically, it seems like we have a very hopeful future with strong, principled leaders coming up.
There were a couple of side notes.
First, I got the best parking spot ever!  We arrived and I parked, front row next to the building.  Wouldn't move!  Until Cindy needed the car on Saturday.  But it was a good parking space.
Secondly, on Saturday night I got a text from a friend who had visited the conference.  He simply said, I forgot my clothes at the hotel.  Could you get them and bring them back for me?  Done.  Actually Cindy picked them up while I was in a session.  My take-away from that.  I feel great that someone considers me a good enough friend to make that request!  It is a joy.
Basically, annual conference offers time to make new friends, renew old friends and celebrate our shared ministry.  Along the way we note some small blessings and even some pretty big ones.
It's been a good day.  I hope you've had a good day too.

Monday, June 4, 2018

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Conference: "A meeting, often lasting a few days, which is organized on a particular subject or to bring together people who have a common interest.  A meeting at which formal discussions take place."
This is "conference" season in the United Methodist Church.  The Missouri Annual Conference will meet in Springfield with United Methodist's from all over the state gathering.
In the past few years our conferencing has changed.  When I began ministry Annual Conference was primarily a legislative and business meeting.  We did worship and we did other church things, like ordain people.  But what seemed to stand out were petitions and resolutions, debate and vote, winners and losers. 
Things have changed.  This week we anticipate focusing primarily on learning, worship and recognizing people in ministry.  There will be some business.  We have a budget to approve and conference leadership to elect, but the primary focus is on equipping people for ministry.
We may be an exception to the rule.  I sense that in many places annual conference is still more of a legislative meeting.  Frankly, I cannot imagine John Wesley gathering his preachers together for debate, vote, and making rules.  He would have gathered the preachers together to give them books to read, tell them doctrines to preach, and discuss furthering the revival movement. 
I see annual conference as a time to see friends I do not see at others times in the year.  There will be some business and discussion but those will not be the highlight for me.  Ordaining new clergy stands out as a highlight.  Seeing United Methodists from every corner of the state being equipped to go home and serve is a highlight.  These are the things I anticipate.  When I get back I can give you an update and we will see how my hopes are fulfilled.