Monday, June 4, 2018

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Conference: "A meeting, often lasting a few days, which is organized on a particular subject or to bring together people who have a common interest.  A meeting at which formal discussions take place."
This is "conference" season in the United Methodist Church.  The Missouri Annual Conference will meet in Springfield with United Methodist's from all over the state gathering.
In the past few years our conferencing has changed.  When I began ministry Annual Conference was primarily a legislative and business meeting.  We did worship and we did other church things, like ordain people.  But what seemed to stand out were petitions and resolutions, debate and vote, winners and losers. 
Things have changed.  This week we anticipate focusing primarily on learning, worship and recognizing people in ministry.  There will be some business.  We have a budget to approve and conference leadership to elect, but the primary focus is on equipping people for ministry.
We may be an exception to the rule.  I sense that in many places annual conference is still more of a legislative meeting.  Frankly, I cannot imagine John Wesley gathering his preachers together for debate, vote, and making rules.  He would have gathered the preachers together to give them books to read, tell them doctrines to preach, and discuss furthering the revival movement. 
I see annual conference as a time to see friends I do not see at others times in the year.  There will be some business and discussion but those will not be the highlight for me.  Ordaining new clergy stands out as a highlight.  Seeing United Methodists from every corner of the state being equipped to go home and serve is a highlight.  These are the things I anticipate.  When I get back I can give you an update and we will see how my hopes are fulfilled.

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