Sunday, July 28, 2019

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Finished our stay home vacation. Royals won in a game with plenty of action.
Earlier this month I was able to teach a theology class to our Course of Study students. That is joyful!
I witnessed a great Vacation Bible School. (I even got a shirt) That was joyful.
I got to do some work around the house. ( Not so fun)
I did some reading. A couple of books about WW II and President Truman. Those were deeply challenging and troubling times in America but it is inspiring to be reminded how the USA prevailed.
Another joy was being in worship at PWC through the month. It is greatly encouraging to watch younger clergy step up and lead/serve.
The summer months give me renewed hope as we face challenging times in nation and church. But guess what, we have been here before.
We have faith.
We have gifts.
We have leaders.
We have servants.
We have truth.
We have hope.
Above all, we have Jesus.
It’s been a good day. I hope you’ve had a good day too.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Reflections From Sunday Evening

50 years ago Neil Armstrong became the first man to walk on the moon. “One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.”  Buzz Aldren soon followed and was the first person to have communion on the moon.   NASA had spent untold hours of planning and preparing for an event that would change the world.
50 years ago some people planned a music festival that exceeded expectations. We still think of Woodstock as a culturally defining experience.
This summer many people have been reflecting on 1969. That Apollo 11 thing was a big deal!
I wonder what people in 2069 will be reflecting on? People are making plans today that will result in experiences, events, and discoveries that will change the world.
There are other ways to put these things in perspective. Who is being prayed for today that will make the joyful discovery of Christ and have their life changed?
How will the Church of Jesus Christ experience change that will be celebrated 50 years from now?
What changes in your life will God bring about today that will affect someone 50 years from now?
Ready? Today recognize where The Lord is working in you.
It’s been a good day. I hope you’ve had a good day too.

Sunday, July 7, 2019

Reflections From Sunday Evening

It’s good to take a breath. Getting ready to teach a class in course of study next week. This week a little down time to re-charge. Also a chance to see how other churches are doing things. We know the popular narrative is that people simply do not attend church these days. Experience bears this out.
Today Cindy and I met our kids and went to Life Church in Overland Park.
On the way I observed several people out walking or biking. (I actually saw several in my own neighborhood when I went out early.). There was a ball field across the street from the church that was crowded with people. I saw a few folks mowing their lawn. Sunday morning.
But I also experienced a large church filled with people for multiple services.
This happens all over the world. If you would have awakened in Cuba this morning and headed for church, you better be early or there would not be a seat. That story would be replicated in many African nations. All over South and Central America people throng to hear the Word of God proclaimed. In a few years China will have more Christians than any nation on earth. And their government is not exactly supportive.
American church attendance may be at a low ebb but following Jesus is at an all time high.
Be encouraged.
Be prayerful.
Be faithful.
Be in the middle of what God is doing.
It’s been a good day. I hope you’ve had a good day too.