Sunday, February 28, 2010

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Well today was much better than last week! All things considered this was a beautiful day. No rain, snow, sleet. It was good to be together for worship.
We had a good conversation with police chief Jim Corwin this afternoon. He spoke with us about issues of violence in our community. It is a great thing to realize the data confirms that violent crime is actually down from where it was just a few years ago. However the perception is that somebody gets shot every day! That is really not true. We are doing a pretty amazing job at responding to situations and helping lower the crime rate.
But we were talking about some things we might be able to do that would begin to break the cycle of violence. We heard words like partnership and compassion. It is vitally important that we understand these issues affect our commuity. While a disproportionate amount of violent crime is isolated in a couple of zip codes, this is still our community.
I was encouaraged by our congregations participation. I believe we will find ways to move forward and make a difference.
When I walk around my neighborhood I feel very blessed. I feel relatively safe. But I also realize that 15 minutes away people cannot say the same thing. One way we as an outwardly focused Christian community can show compassion and care for our brothers and sisters is to step forward and be engaged in ways that help. I know there are great ideas forthcoming. I pray we not only talk about these things but also find the Spirit motivating us to action.
It's been a good day. I hope you've had a good day too.

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