Sunday, July 23, 2017

Reflections From Sunday Evening

This week I have been reading a devotional called "Great Grace Upon All".  We speak a lot about grace - a free, unmerited gift of God.  We recognize the grace of God that works upon us long before we even know there is a God who loves us.  We speak about the grace that forgives and gives us new birth.  We speak of the grace that sustains and leads us in the holy life.
Think about adding some other dimensions to the grace we know.  It is "great" grace.  That would have been the experience of the earliest followers of Jesus when they experienced the power of the Holy Spirit.  It was great grace.
Grace is Amazing
Grace is Abundant
Grace is Abounding
Great grace upon all.  Certainly all believers.  Perhaps grace upon those yet to know the Lord but with faith coming in their future.  Grace is available to all.
Think about God's grace in your life.  Think about God's great grace empowering you and sustaining you today.
It's been a good day.  I hope you've had a good day too.

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