Sunday, July 9, 2017

Reflections From Sunday Evening

We are on the verge of our annual Vacation Bible School.  With 600 kids and another 150 volunteers signed up it promises to be a busy and eventful week.
Pastor Jessica and the entire children's ministry staff work hours and hours to prepare to give our children the best experience possible.  We  could not do what we do without the many, many volunteers who serve this week.  People teach, lead crafts, recreation, songs and Bible stories.  Of course the snacks are vital!  People help and serve.
It is hard for me to imagine the "old days" when VBS would go for 2 weeks.  Years ago there was a pastor who insisted on a 2 week VBS and then would leave town on the first day!  I would not have the nerve to try that one.
It is an exciting thing to think about the people who will walk through the doors of our church this week.  Many of them are members and regular attenders.  At the same time we will have many people coming this week who do not have a church home.  They have yet to discover the joy of a community of faith.  They are people who may soon develop a relationship with Jesus Christ and know the peace of a vital spiritual life.
We are all part of what God is doing in the life of the Church.  Serve.  Pray.  Help.  Give thanks for all God is doing in the church, especially through VBS.
It's been a great day.  I hope you've had a great day too.

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